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"What!" Imen and I chorused as she pulls away from my embrace our eyes widened in shock.

I just realized they were all putting on black clothes meaning they have been mourning him. Imen was in a daze as she keeps looking at everyone with a blank expression.

" I ..don't ..want to believe he is dead," I say looking at Imen's Mum and Dad to see if it was some kind of joke but with the way, Imen's mum and Amanda were crying profusely while Norbert and Ikram had a sad look on their faces as if they were controlling themselves not to cry.  I knew better it was not a joke. Ikram moves closer to Amanda and hugs her whispering soothing words, trying to comfort her.  Meanwhile, Imen's Dad seems to lose the ability to speak as he leans his back against the wall, staring at the blank space before him with an empty look as his wife cry into his chest.

"H.. how?" Imen says in a broken voice as tears brims in her eyes.

"He got burnt in the car, " Imen's Dad says sadly. When you guys are in the ICU fighting for your lives,  the coroners couldn't find his body at the accident spot not until a week after much findings they found a burnt body in the car. "He was burnt beyond recognition. We.. couldn't..even .. recognize..him " He says in a broken voice as a drop from his eyes though he quickly wiped it off but it was too late not to be seen.

" Are ..you sure he is the one? He can't just die like that. Is an autopsy carried out to be sure he is the one? " I say as a tear rolled down my cheeks because despite everything he has done, he is still my best friend and he doesn't deserve to die. I wanted him to get treated because everything happening to him wasn't his fault. Though we can't blame all his actions on his bipolar disorder but atleast he should be given a chance to correct his mistakes.

" He has suffered enough for us to put him through that again and we were told the man who drove the trailer already escape immediately the accident occurred so the burnt body should be no other person than him. We had to quickly bury him that day and that was the reason you guys didn't see us for weeks ".

" Why.. didn't. you ..tell ..me? I should have been there to say my last goodbye. He is my brother "Imen says as tears streamed freely down her eyes.

" You are just recovering and you couldn't even take a rest after you heard Aayan is in Coma so we had to keep it a secret from you and that was why we told Aayan's dad and sister to be with you guys ".

" M .mum!" She called out her mum's name as she slowly left my side and gets down from the bed and hastened to her with those swift steps. Her mum turned her head away from her husband's chest which was now soaked with her tears. Her eyes were bloodshot as she looks at her. Her lips were trembling as she tried to control herself but she failed woefully at it. Imen moves quickly to meet her, embraced her, and began to cry on her shoulder. They both wept on each other shoulders with sorrowful pleasure. 

The atmosphere was so sad as everyone was busy crying consoling each other and  I wish I can be able to stand on my own and give Imen's Dad a comforting hug because he was trying so hard to control himself. This is their son we are talking about. No matter what he has done, they took care of him right from when he was still a baby and I am sure they never expected him to die like that. I know don't why I keep having this thought deep down in my mind that Zayed is not dead maybe there's a mixup somewhere or something because he doesn't deserve to die.

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