~ Chapter 21 ~

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The city has been cleaned up after the whole alien invasion mess. And lucky me got some extra vacation days. I haven't told Rumlow though. After our... disagreement he decided to stay at his place for a while until I had some time off. He claims he wants to "start over and fix what I ruined," so I'm keeping these extra days a secret so he doesn't randomly barge into my apartment.

Every bone in my body is screaming at me for being such an idiot and not breaking up with him after the stunts he's pulled. But I just can't. And I'm not saying that because I think he'll change and we can work it out.

I mean I physically can't do it. It's like something in my mind is stopping me from doing it.

I push Rumlow and his rude self out of my mind and focus on my work. I've finished moving all of my belongings into my new and improved S.H.I.E.L.D. office. I even got a fancy name card for my desk! It matches the butter yellow walls.

I was currently working on filing through the missions and tasks assigned to Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. The requests were both from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.

Occasionally, I'll see Clint or Natasha walk down the hall. Clint has stopped by a few times to admire my new room and let me brag about my promotion.

Today, Natasha pays me a visit. I'm filing out request forms when I see a few red strands covering my computer screen.

"It's like you eat, sleep, and breath S.H.I.E.L.D.," she teases as I look up at her.

"Good afternoon, Romanoff," I say in a fake formal voice.

"Oh please don't, y/n." I laugh as she drags her fingers across my desk, looking around my new room. It's a lot bigger than my past office, and even I thought that one was big. My new office as the head of the Avengers was the size of the normal meeting rooms and then some! The back walls were completely made up of windows that could be shut by voice. The walls were a light yellow, matching the white couch and coffee table.

My desk had a few fake plants on them (because honestly when will I remember to water real ones???), and cute stationary pens and highlighters that continue the white and yellow theme.

"It's like I just walked into a hobby lobby," Nat remarks as she plops herself onto the couch.

"Well, I happen to like hobby lobby," I laugh and continue to fill out requests and printing them out. I fold one up into a plane and fly it towards Nat. She catches it and unfolds it.

"I've got a job for you, girlie." Nat let's out a chuckle and turns to me. Her smile falters as she looks me over. I can feel her scanning my bruises and cuts on my skin. I didn't wear my S.H.I.E.L.D uniform today, or atleast not that tight long sleeve; had to let my arms breathe a bit.

"Those Chitauri things sure did a number on you. Those things look worse now than they did a few days ago." I laugh her comment off.

They're from Rumlow. You could tell her.

"Guess I was a bit too reckless."

"Mmhm. Too reckless right by Steve's side." I give Nat a look, and she gives me a "you know what I mean" look. I laugh. Natasha keeps me company until I have to kick her out to get to work. I swear, she'd've stayed with me all day if she could. Clint too.

I wonder if Steve would like to chill in my office. I see Steve from time to time from my office. Every now and then he'll drop by to say hello. Though, we have been texting back and forth a lot more frequently now.

First it started as simple check ups after what had happened. Then it streched into small talk, full conversations, and good morning good night texts. He was sweet, and there were times where I'd have to explain an abbreviation to him. He's even butt dailed me a few times. Every time he'd apologize and not know whether to start a conversation or hang up.

Usually he'd ask about my day and then let me go. Surprised he knows which button to push to hang up, honestly.

I finished filing my reports around 2pm and decide to call it a day. One of the props to being in charge of the Avengers is that I can leave when all of my work is done! That's why I'll usually get here around 5 or 5:30 in the morning to get the bulk of it over with.

I walk out of my office and spot Agent Hill speaking with a S.T.R.I.K.E. officer. Waiting until they leave, I go up to Maria to say hey.

"Hey girlie!" I bump my hips into hers, causing her to stumble a bit.

"Hello Miss Avenger," she laughs. "How's the promotion going? Can't believe you're not only incharge of the Avengers, but you are one. I mean," she makes an explosive motion with her hands near her head. I laugh.

Me and Hill catch up while I'm walking towards my car. When I get in my Bluetooth connects automatically and "Metabolic" starts to play.

Before I start to back out of the parking space, my phone buzzes.

2:26 PM

I meant to say hey today but I just passed your office and you weren't there!

Yeah, I just finished all of my work!

Nice! Hey, could I ask you something?

Of course!

I've seen a lot of posts on this "instagram" with people holding icees?

What is an icee?

Steve Rogers.
Are you telling me, that you have NEVER had an icee??
A slushie??

No, I haven't.

Oh I am changing this.
There's a fair coming to town in a few months.
I will be taking you.
And you will be getting a slushie.
No questions asked.

Haha, okay then! I don't think I'll be busy any time soon!

Then it's settled! You, my friend, are about to have your mind blown.

If you say so! :)

Oh I know so.


"Come on, Cap! Use them muscles and win us a prize!"

"Haha, I don't think that's fair, though."

"Who cares, all of the games are rigged anyways!"

"They are?"

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