~ Chapter 35 ~

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I walked back into the building and bump into the S.T.R.I.K.E division. They are all bruised and busted, I'm assuming it was a parting gift from Steve.

Rumlow looks like he was completely K.O.'d as I walk up to him. He was ordering his men around and they started to disperse in groups.

"Rumlow!" I call out and he turns to me. I jog over to him and push my curls over my shoulders. "Care to fill me in on what's happening?"

He sighs, "Steve's gone rogue."

"What?" I ask like he just asked me a stupid ass question. Rumlow turns around after giving me that vague answer and starts to walk off. I catch up to him and grab his shoulder hard, spinning him around.

"Gonna need a bit more of an explanation," I snarl and Rumlow glares at me. He takes my hand off of him and looks me up and down.

"He's withholding information about Fury's death and you clearly just witnessed him take out our Quinjet. What more of an explanation do you need?" He says and stares at me.

I stay quiet. It is Pierce whose behind this. Overthrowing Fury to be in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D and it's projects. Why go to such extreme lengths just to get Project Inisght up and running?

Rumlow watches me as I think and starts to get intrigued.

"Y/n," he calls out cautiously. He watches me for any information I might leak out through my body language. His eyes flicker back to mine as he gets an order through his headpiece.

"Yes sir." He turns to his men and wave them over. Each one gets on either side of me as Rumlow speaks.

"Pierce wants to see you."


"You can get all your answers from him." He walks past me and as he does he mumbles under his breath, "told you things were going to get messy."

The two S.T.R.I.K.E members lead me to Pierce's office and wait outside of the doors as I walk in. The office has an unsettling aura within it. I watch my steps as I approach the desk. Pierce was looking out of the window at the blackened road from the Quinjet fires.

"Agent Jay." He starts, keeping his back faced towards me.

"Agent 13 told me that you were there at Captain Rogers' apartment when Fury was shot." He turns around and his wrinkled, time stained face stares at me with dark eyes.

Sharon you snitch.

"Is that true?" I felt my knees buckle and steadied myself. I felt a pain in my temples, similar to that pain I felt when my eyes were misty.

"Yes, sir. I had arrived at his apartment moments before Fury was shot." Pierce runs his fingers across his desk before stopping just in front of me.

"Agent 13 also tells me that you and Steve both chased after the assassin." He way he speaks so calmy is intimidating. He notices this and laughs, motioning for me to take a seat. Reluctantly, I do so. He stays standing and leans on the desk.

"Don't act so tense, золото. This is a safe space." Pierce says in a sickened sweet voice. I tilt my head and furrow my brows.

"What did you call me?" I ask and I can feel my mind get muddy. Pierce simply smiles.

"Your name. Is what I called you, Agent. Now," dropping the subject, Pierce walks behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. His hot breath plagues my ear.

"Tell me, why were you at his apartment, Agent?" I felt a surge run through me and felt obligated to tell Pierce everything. My vision clouded and I felt limp.

"I was there to make sure he was okay," I reply with no emotion in my voice. Robotic like.

"Why would you think he wasn't?"

Because S.H.I.E.L.D is compromised.

"Because She- sh-...." I snap back to reality and am out of breath. What just happened? It felt like I was being controlled...

I turn around to face Pierce and I can feel the confusion in my eyes. He removed his hands and looks at me, amused.

"Because he said he was going to run errands and was going to be home late." I say sternly. "There are a lot of reckless drivers. I wanted to make sure he didn't wreck."

Pierce makes a noise in his throat and nods. He smiles at me and wraps up our conversation.

"I don't know if you've been informed, but Steve Rogers is now a fugitive and is to be captured on sight. He has labeled himself as a threat and needs to be taken care of." Pierce smiles and shows me to the door.

"If you have any ideas about his whereabouts, be sure to let us know."

"I will," I say in a quiet voice as Pierce drops his smile.

"Be sure to tell Rumlow that it's working." Pierce shuts the door and leaves me in the hall, confused. The S.T.R.I.K.E members have left and I look around to make sure no one else is near.

I pull out my phone and try to call Steve. I try about 8 times in the hall and 3 more times in the elevator. Each time I'm sent straight to voice-mail after the first ring. He must've turned it off or straight up demolished it.

He said to meet at his place to talk about the hard drive but that option is obviously ruled out. It's probably bugged and swarming with S.H.I.E.L.D personnel.

I get into my car and head to the hospital where the drive is hidden. Steve will probably be waiting for me there, or somewhere around that area with the drive.

I dig through the back seat of my car and pull out my emergency clothes. I trade my work clothes for my Metallica hoodie and jeans.

When I pull into the parking lot I walked in and walked to the vending machine on the corresponding floor. When I get there I spot Steve hurry Natasha into one of the empty rooms.

"What the hell," I mumble.


"I didn't know you wore glasses. They look nice on you."

"Thanks. Put 'em on."


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