~ Chapter 14 ~

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Tony and Steve make their way to the destroyed helicarrier engine, bumping into Loki's minions on the way. While doing so, y/n's voice comes over his earpiece.

"Rogers, I need you to go help Stark with the engine." He kneed an enemy and knocked out the other.

"I'm already on it."

"Good. Romanoff and Banner are trapped under the rubble, so don't bother getting them."


"I'm pretty sure Bruce is angry. I'm sure Romanoff has it handled."

"And the guys coming from up top?" I duck behind a wooden container as said guys fire at my previous location.

"Don't worry about it. Focus on the engine."

"Roger that, Agent." I get back in the game, cocking my gun and brushing my loose curls out of my face. I hop over the container, firing with one hand. There are eighteen of them. Easy.

I take out three of them in the back with the gun as six others swarm me from the front. I quickly disarm one of them, using their weapon to choke out the other two.

That's eleven down, seven more to go.

I sweep the next wave off of their feet. That makes 15. The other I take down fairly easily in hand to hand combat. I catch my breathe as they slump to the ground.

"Really? These were our guys? No wonder they got snatched so easily." The last one makes their way to me. I crack my neck before lunging at them. They evade my punch, but fail to notice my kick. They're sent flying.

I spin on my heel and dug it into their chest. With a satisfying groan, they pass out. I dust off my pants and drag my hand through my loose curls, clearing my view of the jet. As my chest heaves I spot Clint inside, aiming right at me.

"Shit!" I manage to dodge the arrow as it lodges itself in the ground, beeping. I quickly grab it and throw it off of the edge of the helicarrier. It goes off in the air, shaking the jet.

"What was that?" I hear Steve exclaim on the coms.

"Get to work, Rogers!" The line goes silent. Steve had witnessed the whole encounter. Seeing her chest rise and fall, watching her move with such confidence and power, it made his stomach pulse.

"Alright, Captain. I'm gonna need you to stop ogling Agent Jay and get to work." Tony snapped him back and they worked to repair the engine.

I looked up as Clint reloaded. I needed him on the ground. Either that or I needed to get up top. Clint isn't waiting around for either and starts firing at me. I fire back, nearly missing his shoulder.

"Sorry, Clint. No hard feelings. Maybe I'll finally win this sparing match." I continue to aim at his arms, trying to disarm him. As I'm doing so, the deck shakes and I slam into a pipeline. Clint hops off the jet and makes his way inside.

"Romanoff," I groan. "How's Banner?"

"Thor's got him, what do you need?"

"Clint, he's in. I'll be there in a sec." I steady myself and sprint inside, spotting Clint and Natasha going at it on the catwalk.

I dodge stray arrows and grab the pipe above me. I use it to swing myself to them, knocking Clint down in the process. Hard. He tries to get up but slumps back down, losing consciousness.

I look up at Nat out of breathe and stare at her leg.

"Banner?" She nods and grabs Clint by the arm. I grab the other.

"Finally beat you, Clint," I laugh as we drag him. "It's kinda bitter sweet."

"At least let him know you wiped the floor with him when he's conscious." Nat groans.

"Let's see if the cameras got it. Now that would be amazing."

We bring him to the infirmary beds. As we lay him down, I tend to his injuries. Then a gun shot goes off.

"Natasha, be careful when he wakes up. Be here when he wakes up." I run out of the room and sprint to the hallway. It wasn't a normal pistol or anything like that. And it sounded like it came from Loki's cell. I sprint around corners, taking out the stray minions I come across.

It's no use though. By the time I've arrived, Loki is gone. The cell itself is gone. And Coulson is going.

I rush to his side and press my hands over his wound. It's huge and gushing out a sticky red liquid. I don't want to look at it, the fact that it's here makes me sick.

"Coulson. Coulson! Hey hey!" His eyes slowly meet mine as Director Fury enters to room. I look at him with a stone cold face. No emotions. I wish I would cry, scream, curse, anything! But I'm silent in disbelief.

Fury orders me to get first aid, but as I leave I can hear Coulson speak to him in a tone ever so soft that it makes my heart flutter.

"It's okay..."

My eyes begin to water. I cover my mouth to prevent a sob so strong that it shook to my core before I even let it free.

"This was never going to work if they didn't have something too..."

I take in the breathe he didn't and sink to the floor. Coulson was gone.

Coulson was the one who showed me around S.H.I.E.L.D on my first day. He helped me through my struggles and kept me smiling while buried by papers in my cubicle. Coulson was the one who put a good word in for me, led me to over see his project for the Avengers.

And now, he left it all in my hands. I could feel him dropping his faith and confidence in my hands as he left the office. Patting my shoulder and looking me in the eyes. I couldn't handle this all on my own. I needed him. I still need you. It's too much for me to handle. I'll need help, I can't--

"I know, were working on it."

A tear rolls down my face as I hear Phil encourage me.

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