~ Chapter 31 ~

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I swear, the next few days Rumlow practically has me attached to his hip whenever he can. Where ever I am, he always manages to find me and act like my personal bodyguard.

It's like he doesn't think I can take care of myself.

He insists on driving me to work and everywhere else I plan on going. And he's acting extremely protective, even in public. It's like he's guarding me like I'm precious cargo.

When we walk into work today, Rumlow holds my lock pendant between his fingers and smiles. He gives me a kiss and then goes to his division as I head to mine.

Today was moving extremely slow. I hadn't been given that much work to do so I headed towards the training grounds.

Inside I take off the bulk of my uniform until I'm left in just the black suit. I test my strength against the traditional training dummies in the room. My kick boxing was a little rusty, seeing as I am practically forbidden from going on the field.

After warming up for a while I go get my compact nun chucks from my utility belt and start to practice with them. I swing them under and over my shoulders and swing thm around my neck, from one side to the other.

I practice doing my flips with them as well, sticking my landings and incorporating my hand to hand combat with the weapon. It feels amazing to work my skills again. I feel like Rumlow has been swaddling me like an infant and it's been insufferable.

"Someone piss you off today?" I turn to see Steve leaning in the doorway. How long was he watching, I don't know. I do know by the look on his face, he was impressed. He walked towards me and laughed.

"I'll be sure not to get on your bad side." I laugh and wipe the sweat from my brow.

"Slow day?"

"Tell me about it," I put my weapon away and put all of my equpiment and utility belts back on. Steve and I walk down the hall towards my office.

"Are you heading home for the day?" I ask. He nods.

"I've got some errands to run so I'll be getting home a little late."

"Be careful out there. A little birdy told me things are getting dangerous out there," I smile and Steve chuckles. He waves goodbye and I head back to my office. There was lunch sitting on my desk, Rumlow must've stopped by.

There's a note on the back of my computer and I can't immediately recognize the handwriting. It looks extremely formal, not anyone's handwriting I know.

Knock out a few dummies for me.

Who knew I was in the training room? I look around my office skeptically before tossing my lunch. It was already 3pm and I wasn't hungry.


I leave the building at 6 and bump into Hill in the hall. I haven't seen her in forever, we both seem to be drowning in work lately. I should've asked her to spar with me earlier. She looks like she could've used a stress reliever.

"Hey girlie! We need to hang out soon!" I start cheerily but Hill just pulls me into a vacant office and initiates the privacy setting. I look at her concerned.

"Maria, what is it," I ask and she sighs.

"Director Fury tried to access the information Agent Romanoff required from the ship but it's been locked."

"By who?"

"...Fury." My brows furrow and she just sighs. "He went to talk to Alexander Pierce about the matter."

"With the council?"

"Just Pierce. The information for the satellite launches couldn't be accessed, so Fury called for Project Insight to be delayed. But he insisted that we push through."

I nod my head. Maria continues.

"We have reason to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D has been compromised and-"

"Woah woah. Compromised?"

"I know. It's crazy."

"Yeah, it is. On what grounds do you have to jump to such a conclusion?"

"On the way back from his meeting, Fury was ambushed by assassins disguised as the police." Maria states and my eyes widen. I think for a bit.

"What else?"

"We need everyone to just... lay low. Fury is doing the same as we speak. I've sent Agents to supervise our Special Agents like Natasha and Steve."

My eyebrows perk up at Steve's name. He said he'd be home late. I look at the clock on the wall. 7:47pm. He should be home by now, or just getting there. If something bad is supposed to happen, now would be the perfect time.

"Whose looking over Steve?"

"Agent 13."

"Sharon?" I look at Maria and can feel the jealousy rise inside me. Sharon was one of the Agents I trained in preparation for the Avengers Initiative and S.H.I.E.L.D officials.

I have nothing against her, but the idea of her "protecting" Steve irriates me. I know I couldn't have done it myself because I am an Avenger myself, but still.

"Okay," I start making my way towards the door. "I'll keep my eyes out for anything suspicious."

"Where are you going?"

"Steve's apartment. He said he'd be getting home late tonight and I want to make sure nothing happened."


I park into the parking lot and wait for Steve. It's almost 9pm and dark, if someone was planning to take Steve out, now was the best time. As time streched on I got more worried.

Then I heard the familiar hum of his motorcycle as Steve parked near the curb. I watched as he walked into the apartment complex and let out a sigh. Before I leave, I look around my surroundings to make sure he's safe.

He's done so much, it was my turn to do the sa-- what is that?

A few buildings away from Steve's apartment, there was a black figure lingering. Looked to be a male in his late 20s early 30s, 200 pounds? Probably around 6 foot. And he was carrying a horizontal object that looked scarily similar to a gun.

I got out of my car and aimed my gun at the figure. Seeing me, they casually back up and out of sight. I curse under my breath and rush into the complex.

I walk up the steps and find his door, remembering where it was from last time. I keep my gun held out as I creep towards the door and listen in to the music playing inside.

"Wife kicked me out." There are hushed voices of both Steve and Fury. I can't make out a lot. As I'm about to knock on the door I see the figure from the hall window.

Then gunshots. And a thud from inside.


"Care to tell me how you managed to, not only run faster then me, but catch my shield without stumbling?"

"I don't know..."

"Maybe that serum is rubbing off on you."

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