~ Chapter 48 ~

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"Here," Steve hands me a warm coffee and I give him a smile. Tony had called us down the next morning for breakfast, claiming that he had important news to share. Steve and I were currently sitting next to each other on bar stools as Tony grabbed an apple from across the island.

Tony looked between the two of us and bit his apple. "The rooms are sound proofed, but my God. I think you hurt her last night," he said and I almost spit my coffee out on the table.

"Tony!" Steve exclaims as he glares at Tony. Tony just shrugged and tapped a button on the table, revealing a holographic comparison of blood cells.

"Alright, since I literally couldn't sleep," Tony starts and I wish I could just die on the spot. "I decided to compare your blood samples to Steve's--"

"When did you get my blood?" Steve asks confused and Tony just ignored it.

"Had an idea that your slow changes in physical abilities are sneakily similar to the star spangled man's when he got leveled up to the max."

Looking at the samples, I could tell that they were live feed from the lab. Steve's blood cells had fluorescent fragments integrated into it. My own cells were rapidly dividing, some looking like Steve's cells and others being completely golden.

"Turns out I was right. Not surprising, really," Tony points to me and leans over the island table. "The surprising part is that it isn't an instant transformation. It's happening slowly over time but it's just now picking up."

"So what does that mean? I'm not exactly following," I ask and Tony rolls his eyes.

"Aren't you the smart one? Look, it looks like a version of that Super Soldier Serum was slowly being incorporated into your system and just recently was increased," Tony explains and Steve rests his hand on his chin.

"That's impossible," Steve picks up. "There is no more of that serum, and even if there were there is no way that y/n was exposed to it in such a way."

"Listen, Dino bones," Tony starts. "This is just the simple stuff. This explains her, as you said, heightened speed and strength."

"But it doesn't explain the mist," I mumble, the gears turning in my mind. Tony snapped his fingers and pointed at me.

"Exactly. That brings me to the gold blood cells that you're producing. They're composition is completely alien to the rest of your body. And that brings me to my next point. C'mon." Tony leads us to his lab and we spot Bruce in there working. His hair was flattened on one side, I assume it's from sleeping on the plane.

"Hey Doc," Tony says and Bruce looks up at us with his glasses. He waves as we step next to him and look at what he's working on.

"So last night Dr. Banner flew in and we went to work on the gold cells, go us." Tony shows us the cell data he recieved yesterday.

"When I cut you, your skin immediately healed it all. So, sorry about this, but yesterday when you passed out I took the liberty of injecting a sample of the flu into your system. Then we watched your system and found this," Tony showed us the data and I gasped.

The Golden cells in my body were consuming my white blood cells along with the virus. He then showed a microscopic video of my skin cells rapidly connecting themselves, the newest cells forming a golden barrier around them before being accepted by the body.

"Basically," Banner spoke us. "Your body is changing similar to the affects Steve experienced with his serum. And there's a missing component that is giving you abilities like regeneration."

Abilities... I brought my thumb up to my lips. That would explain the floating thing and hearing Steve's thoughts.

"So, do you have an idea of what's causing the golden cells?" I ask.

"Well if we did we wouldn't call it the missing component," Tony said, "we'll need more scans and samples from you and Cap."

I let out small sigh. Steve looked at me and smiled.

"It's fine. Think about all the stuff we can do once all of this is over," he said.



Tony and Bruce got the samples they needed, along with a few brain scans, and got to work in the lab. Steve and I ended up chilling with each other while they worked and I finally called my mom. She was super worried and said she almost had a heart attack after hearing about S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve eneded up saying hello as well.

"Knock knock," we look and see Pepper Potts walking into the lab with fast food bags. She gives us a warm smile before Tony turns to her. His face lights up and I smile a bit. I turn to Steve and we giggle.

"Just thought you guys might want something to eat since you didn't come down earlier for lunch," she said handing me and Steve a burger. "I didn't know what you'd like."

"This is great, thank you," I said and took the burger. Wait, we didn't come down for lunch?

"Hey, what time is it?" I ask Steve.

"Uhh 8:56." He said finding a clock in the room. I let out a surprised gasp and Pepper laughed.

"Sorry, he's such a workaholic he doesn't want to stop once he's started," she snickers.

"I heard that. And y/n is worse of a workaholic than I am," Tony said from across the room. Pepper gave him a kiss on the cheek and left. I mumbled to Steve, not knowing how late it had gotten.

"Don't worry, y/n," Bruce said. "You and Steve can go home if you'd like. We've got everything we need on our end."

"Thank you, Dr. Banner. You too, Tony," I said getting up with Steve to leave.

"Don't mention it, goldilocks," Tony said as we left, "We'll be in touch. Reach out if anything else happens, though."

I nod and Steve thanks them.

"Oh, before you go," Tony starts again. "Thor contacted, said he's coming back soon to search for Loki's glow stick. And since S.H.E.I.L.D is down the drain, we need to hunt down those other HYDRA bases too. The team will meet here when he gets to earth, got it? And that includes you, y/n."

"Got it, Tony," I say and leave the lab. When we get out of the tower Steve looks at me with a worried look.

"What is it, Cap?" I ask and he rubs the back of his neck.

"Why don't you come to my apartment instead?" He starts and I giggle. "I mean, I'm kinda worried about you going back there alone. You could get hurt."

"Steve, I'll be fine. I was there alone the entire week you were in the hospital and even a bit more after that," I say in a soothing voice and put my hands over Steve's shoulders. He looks down at me with a little pout and I giggle.

"You sure?"

"Steve, were you awake when Tony literally said I have super Soldier serum in me and friggin powers? I should be fine," I say in a firm tone and his cheeks flush a bit. He sighs, giving in.

"Fine." He says and places a kiss on my forehead. "Be careful, gorgeous."

When I get to my apartment, I notice that the garbage bag filled with the rest of Rumlow's things was taken off my doorstep. Good riddance.

I use my key and unlock my door. When I walk into my home a fountain of relief washes over me. The past few weeks have been so hectic, it was relieving to just be home and relax for once. I walk in and lock the door behind me.


I pull my gun out of my entertainment center drawer and aim it in the kitchen. There, in my kitchen, was Rumlow opening a cold beer with my bottle opener magnet. He raised it to me before taking a swig.

"Hey, Babe girl."

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