~ Chapter 47 ~

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"Mnn.." letting out a small murmur, I open my eyes to be blinded by the bright lights in the tower. I sit up a bit and find myself on the couch in Tony's lab, using Steve's lap as a pillow. It was comfy, not even gonna lie.

"Hey," I look up and see Steve glancung over me, blue eyes filled with relief and concern. "You alright?" I nod, sitting up and scan the room for Tony.

"Tony went to finish his call with Dr. Banner," Steve filled me in and I sighed.

"Mm, still tired," I mumble and lay my head on Steve's firm shoulder. He pulls me in close and kisses my temples. Steve may be an absolute muscle cake, but he certainly gives good hugs. Like a big bear.

"Hey hey, we don't need her falling asleep again," Tony snapped his fingers as he walked in the room, a savory aroma following him. My mouth started to water as Tony brought in two grubhub bags. He tossed one to Steve and ge opened it, revealing 5 or 6 wrapped burgers, still hot.

"Steve said the last time you wore yourself out you just ate something and you were fine," Tony said taking a bite of his burger. Steve picked out a burger and handed it to me. I waste no time in unwrapping it and taking the biggest bite I could. It wasn't the best burger, but in that moment of hunger and fatigue it tasted so good I could've slapped my momma.

Steve chuckled as he saw me struggling to chew. "Someone was hungry."

"Dang right," I say between bites and finish the burger and reach back into the bag for another.

"Okay, breath," Tony said, still working on his first one. My strength was coming back, I could feel it, and apparently it could be seen too. Tony and Steve end up watching me finish off my seconds, Tony taking mental notes.

"So food is definitely a green light for getting you back to speed," he murmured to himself and started talking to Jarvis. "Prepare the Avenger Compound rooms, will ya?"

"Yes sir."

"Avengers Compound rooms?" Steve questioned, finishing his burger and shooting a glance my way. Tony rolled his sleeves up and started to pull up my scans and bodily samples.

"Yeah. Figured that since we're going to be seeing a lot of each other and the hotels around here are too pricey for you guys," Tony said, "if I just have rooms prepared for everyone it'd be a lot easier."

As he's talking, Steve turns to me and gives an exhausted smile. On the corner of it was a bit of food stuck on his cheek. I giggle and bring my thumb up to his face, catching him off guard as I wipe the bit off and put it on the wrappers. He chuckles and grabs my hand, studying my face with his romantic baby blues.

"Or maybe it's be easier for you too to just get in a room and rip those clothes off already," Tony said in an obnoxious tone and we both looked at him. He stared back at us with a tired expression, waving his finger between the both of us.

"You're practically already on top of her, Cap." Hearing this, Steve clears his throat and backs away.

"Sorry," he whispers to me before giving Tony an irriated glare. Tony laughs and shrugs.

"Don't let me kill your thunder, I've got a room on the 4th floor cleared for visitors," Tony says as he walks out of the lab. "Just don't break anything."


"Okay, you can get in now," I say as I exit the bathroom in my pajamas. Steve was sitting on the bed watching the t.v., waiting for his turn to shower. Despite the pleading, Tony would only unlock one room for us to stay overnight, claiming that it'd be better to just stay the night since Bruce would be here first thing in the morning.

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