~ Chapter 19 ~

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Steve runs to my side. "What's going on?"

"The council of S.H.I.E.L.D is firing a missile to the city." Steve's eyes fill with concern.

"There are still people evacuating, that can't--" he's cut off by Stark in the ear piece.

"I've got a plan."

"What is it?"

"...it's a work in progress." Me and Steve watch as Tony hurries out of the city to locate the missile.

"What is Stark doing?" I grab my staff and throw it from palm to palm.

"Hopefully fixing our problem. Come on, Spandex. We've gotta get as many people to safety as we can." As we make our way through the streets, we encounter Thor.

"Thor!" I call out to him. His head swivels towards my directions as he hammers his opponents.

"Yes m'lady?"

"Could you sweep the buildings for civilians? If you find any bring them to the emergency aid area stationed that way," I point, he nods and takes off. I turn to Steve who is starstruck by my leadership.

"Stop ogling, Cap. We've got company." I laugh as he snaps out of his daze.

"I wasn't-" he holds up his shield to protect himself from the incoming chitauri. I pierce it's back and it falls limp on the other end of the staff.

"I wasn't ogling you," Steve finishes saying, now panting. I smile.

" 'was teasing ya, spandex." He sighs.

"Are you guys seeing this? Is that Stark?" Clint's voice rings through our heads. We look around until we spot an object moving towards the rip in the sky.

"I think so..." Steve and I watch as Tony gets closer. "And I think he's going to guide the missile into..." I look to Steve as he tries to contact Tony. I watch him enter the portal and see the remnants of an explosion. The Chitauri "power off" simultaneously as this happens. The portal closes as a sarcastic metal suit falls from the sky.

We all search for Tony and find him passed out on the street. Steve kneels next to him, assuming the worst. Then Hulk scares the living daylights back into the smug son of a gun. Loki was captured. The chitauri were gone. The tesseract was retrieved. It was truly a happy ending.


"Agent Jay." Fury calls out to me as I walk into headquarters. Battered and bruised I still walk with a purpose, resulting in my ankle to throb more violently. I walk up to him and see Steve alongside him, talking to Maria Hill and Natasha.

"Director," I smiled at him, knowing full and well that I was about to face my consequences from yesterday. Had to keep those emotions in line, though. Fury looked me over and nodded towards my ankle. I waved away his concern, eager to get this over with. He sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"You're quick lipped responses towards the council were... quite a shock to say the least." Steve looks at me when he says this, confused and shocked. I silently tell him not to worry about it.

"And you're dedication towards the Avengers Initiative is admirable. Have you sent them their separate ways?"

I nod. "Loki and the tesseract are in good hands, Clint and Tony have left for home, and the damage costs and medical bills have been taken care of." Fury raises a brow at my last statement.

"Tony Starks' credit card," I explain. Fury nods and motions for Steve and Natasha to step up. I tilt my head slightly in confusion, an old habit from childhood.

Steve comes first and gives me one of his signature million dollar smiles. Natasha gives me a rare one in a million grin.

"Y/n, you are a wonderful leader. And a wonderful partner to work with. You've helped us with such a big and unbelievable threat that I can't help but feel inclined to thank you for your work." I feel my cheeks heat up and quickly try to get my emotions under control.

"It was nothing, Captain. After all, I'm kinda in charge of the project. What type of overseer would I be if I didn't help out?" I chuckled as Natasha steps up.

"You could've just watched us and gave an old book quote to inspire us to throw our lives away," she states. I give her a "you right" look as Steve continues.

"Even when we were at eachothers throats, you approached the problem and resolved it quickly and efficiently. You are an incredibly powerful woman who brought a bunch of thick skulled men together." He laughed at the last bit before looking my in the eyes with pure sincerity.

"Thank you. You brought us together. You were a big help Agent Jay."

"Former Agent."

"What?" I look to Fury with confusion and hesitation. Here it was. The hell I had to pay. I braced for the bad news.

"The council was so... 'moved' by your statements and dedication for the Avengers Initiative that they've realized just how powerful the Avengers are." He slowly walked up to me, grabbing a black velvet box from Agent Hill.

"In fact, I've also realized how powerful my staff are. One person imperticular. Though you're a pain in my ass," Fury opens the box and holds out a silver badge and new key card. I stare at my picture on the key card, then at Steve, and then at Fury.

"You've been a big help. So, I now promote you to be the offical head of the Avengers Initiative and an official Avenger. Effective immediately." I'm given the badge with the position of "Avengers Initiative Head" glistening across the metal.


"Don't thank me. You've earned it. Now get out of my sight, you've earned a few vacation days to waste away." I smile, say goodbye to Natasha and Maria, then make my way out of the building.

"Excuse me, Ms. Offical Head of the Avengers," I turn around to see Steve behind me, a big grin plastered across his face. It's contagious.

"Hello Mr. Red White and Blue Stripes." He chuckles and walks with me.

"Congratulations," his blue eyes meet my brown ones. "You deserve it. Truly." His words are like warm honey.

"Thank you, Steve. You did well out there too. Kick Chitauri butt." He laughed as we approached a motorcycle parked by the street. Steve turned to me.

"How are you getting home?"

Oh snap, I thought. I had Maria pick me up before we went to Germany. Watching me think about it, Steve sat on the bike and smiled at me.

"Here," he patted the back of the seat. "I'll give you a ride." I give him a skeptical look, think about it for a second, then hop on behind him. I hold onto his chest tightly as he takes me home. I had given him the address to my apartment and when we pulled up, he told me that his apartment had similar bricking.

He walked me inside and all the way to my door.

"You didn't have to walk me in," I laugh as I grab my keys.

"Well, guess old habits die hard. Just wanted to make sure you were safe." Me and Steve stood outside of my door a while, enjoying each other's company and soft smiles.

"Oh, I guess I'll let you go then," Steve puts his hands in his pockets as I jiggle my keys into the door, silently wishing he'd stay longer.

"Yeah. Thank you, again, Steve. I'll see you around, okay?" I smiled and before I turned the doorknob, it swung open to reveal a very pissed Rumlow.


"Just let me know if you need anything, kay?"

"Thank yo--"

"She can talk to me about that kind of stuff."

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