~ Chapter 8 ~

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The mischievous grin is holding an ominous scepter, emitting a strange blue light. They then proceed to take the tesseract, along with Selvig and Barton. In an attempt to stop this, Fury prepares for the entire facility to collapse. Nevertheless, Barton, Selvig, and the tesseract all leave with the mischievous being pulling their strings.


Despite it being such a productive day, I just could not seem to fall asleep. I kept tossing and turning under the covers, and a feeling of dread wouldn't stop pestering me. My eyelids were as heavy as a bag of bricks, but just didn't want to stay closed.

It was infuriating.

My soul nearly left my body when my phone went off unexpectedly on the bedside table. I reached for my phone, knocking my glasses over in the process, to see who was calling.

Agent Hill? Why is she calling me so late?

"What's up?" My voice was groggy. Rubbing my temples as I waited for a response, I heard heavy breathing on the other line.

"Hill? What's wrong... what happened--"

"They took it."

"Who took what?" It's too early to play word games right now.

"The Tesseract. They took it."

My skin went cold when her words loaded into my brain. Who took the tesseract? And how? Why? Actually, those questions can wait. The question was what Hill needed me to do. I took a deep breath, turned on the lamp, and grabbed my glasses. There was no time to put contacts in.

"What do you need from me, Hill." There was a silent struggle on the other end before she spoke.

"Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. is down. The facility was destroyed. The culprit escaped, they took Selvig and Barton."

"How?" Clint was a slippery one, so hearing that he was taken is quite surprising to me.

"I don't know.. mind control? They were holding a staff of some sort with a glowing stone... touched both Agent Barton and Selvig. Next thing you know Barton is firing arrows and Selvig is helping the culprit bag and wrap the tesseract like it's a present..."

I waited a second. This definitely sounded like a lot. Mind control, agents gone rouge involuntarily, a glowing rock... not exactly in my skill set.

"Y/n, I need you to get the Avengers candidates together."

"Just name a time and place." I grabbed my computer and sat it on the bed.

"Tuesday morning. Meet Director Fury and Agent Coulson to get Rogers and Stark. Romanoff will be sent to get Banner in the meantime."

"Got it. I'll be there at six. Now go get some pain killers, you sound like you got roughed up a bit." I hear her lightly laugh on the other end.

"I'll get over it."

I got off the phone and started to mentally prepare myself for Tuesday. Our lives were in danger and our World was being attacked.. Luckily, we'd have the best of the best on our side.


Tuesday morning. I dressed as normally as possible to draw as little attention as I can. Fury, however, didn't change from his mission impossible fit, drawing a few curious eyes as we entered a private gym.

Golden rays oozed in from the windows, illuminating the inside. Pretty positive we are in the wrong place, I give Fury a quizzical eyebrow raise. He rolled his eye and continued forward.

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