~ Chapter 7 ~

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"Y/n, you're such a sweet girl taking care of Coby for me."

"It's no problem mama! Besides, this is just practice for when I'm grown up!"

"Oh really? You gonna be a nurse with me?"

"Nope, blood and guts freak me out!"


"Coby loves his hero books. So I'm going to be a hero with him and help take care of all the people everywhere!"

"Really now? That's a lot of people to take care of."

"I know, that's why I'm going to help Coby do it! You know, I saw him practicing his superhero poses in the mirror."

"Silly goose. Well, be sure Coby doesn't get into any trouble with his superhero business."

"That's exactly why I'll be there with him! It's what big sisters are for!"

"Aww, and what a good big sister you are, munchkin. My two little super heroes; Coby and Y/n."




"Y/n, you awake?" My head swings up off of my palm. Rumlow laughs and knocks on my office door. Part of me wants to roll my eyes and go back to dozing off... but a small part of me wonders why he is here. He never visits me during work hours.

"What do you need, Rumlow?" I ask in my professional voice. Even outside of work, I've never called him by his first name. I made the mistake of saying it once and got a hand across the face in response.

He laughs and walks over to me. He glides his hands over my shoulders, giving them a small rub. I jump a bit.

This is new...

He hums and places a kiss on my cheek. My eyes wander to my office door, making sure no one is here to witness this unexpected PDA.

"What's this about?" I ask. I can't help but smile, feeling excited by this new behavior. He chuckles and gives me a quick embrace.

"Just in a good mood today, thought I'd see you before I headed off. Call me when you get home." He waves as he leaves my office. I grin and get back to work, typing away on my computer.

It was a fairly normal day at S.H.E.I.L.D., nothing too crazy. I even managed to get that big mountain of work done over the weekend. Boss girl vibes flowing through my veins. And my eyeliner matched today! I could just tell that today was gonna be a breeze.

That was until I heard panicked voices later on.

Throughout the rest of the day, I could hear a series of indistinct chatter that had a fairly serious tone to it. When I'd go to the break room for lunch, there was a group of high intelligence personnel with a grey cloud floating above them. In the halls, workers were hurrying to and fro constantly. It was weird, but nothing out of the ordinary for S.H.E.I.L.D..

I only noticed when something was really off when Clint Barton knocked on my office door.

"Agent Jay?" When I hear his voice my eyes light up. Clint was a close friend and someone I could rely on. Though, like Natasha, he was always busy doing something superhero related. Whenever I did get to see him, things were always crazy fun. However, I could tell this visit was driven by business.

I smile as he walks over to my desk, holding a classified case file. It was about the Avengers Initiative.

"Fury wants you to round up and organize the candidates' files. Once you're done he wants them on his desk." I nodded my head.

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