~ Chapter 9 ~

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7:47 am

You're going where with who?

A mission with Fury.

To do what, exactly?

Work. I've got to go, we have someone to pick up.

Yeah. Sure.

I roll my eyes and put my phone into my back pants pocket, moving my utility belt out of the way. One of the brightside of S.H.E.I.L.D.'s uniform was the pockets.  I walked into one of the S.H.E.I.L.D. carriers with Coulson.

"Morning Coulson," I chimed as I got on board. I buckled up as he waved to me. He sat next to me and I nudged his arm.

"You ready to see the Steve Rogers? Hey, you should show him your cards." He chuckled as we took off to pick up our fossil. When we picked Steve up, he was wearing a plad button up and a leather jacket. Old school. It was cute.

"Y/n, it's nice to see you again. Just wish it was on better terms." Steve chuckled.

"Yeah. Well. Maybe next time." Coulson introduced himself, and I swear it was like watching a 12 year old boy fangirling over a famous baseball player. Bless his soul.

"Here is some information on the people you'll be working with," I handed him a digital file screen and he looked it over intently. Fascinated by the technology and the people. He stopped at Dr. Banner.

"So this Dr. Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?" Steve asked. I let Coulson answer, so they can bond a bit ya know?

"A lot of people were. I mean, you were the world's first superhero." Coulson said.

"Dr. Banner thought the answer was in gamma rays. He wasn't exactly wrong, he did find something. Just not what he was looking for," I chimed in, scrolling through my phone. 17 texts from Rumlow? Yesh, that's excessive.

"Didn't really go his way, did it?"

"Not so much. When he's not that thing though, guy's like a Steven Hawking." Steve quizzically looked up at Coulson  at the mention of an unfamiliar name. I couldn't help but giggle. It was like watching a puppy tilt it's head when you said "walk" or "play." So cute.

Trying to fix the silence that laid over them both, Coulson said "he's like a... smart.. person."

Einstein, Coulson. He's like Einstein! C'mon man! I'm rooting for you!

Steve nodded his head and his eyes went back to scanning through the documents. Then Coulson spoke again.

"I gotta say, it's an honor to meet you. Offically." Steve smiled as Coulson shot his shot. "I sorta met you, I mean. I watched you. While you were sleeping."

I let out a long sigh. Coulson you sweet nervous wreck. You blew it up. Steve's smile faded and he just looked awkward in the situation. Shit, I would be too in either position.

"I mean- I-" Steve got up and walked towards the front of the jet and Coulson followed, trying to fix his mistake. I giggled, time for me to save this mess.

《 It's Been A While 》Steve Rogers X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now