~ Chapter 1 ~

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The Golden waters pour in from my window, illuminating my bedroom floor and the mountains of books inhabiting it. The room has a king sized bed with black sheets and pillows, a grey body pillow, white blanket, and grey throw over.

The digital clock on my night stand has 9:03 glowing on it's face. Next to it is an LED Llama light, that I was gifted over a holiday, and my glasses case. "The Book Thief" laid upon my bed with my computer.

The room smelt like paint and cheap bubble gum scented air fresher I bought 2-for-1 at dollar general. Wasn't the best purchase I could've made.

It had a range of decor on the walls; minimalistic paintings of skulls and ghosts, floating bookshelves, a manga collage, and a wide range of metal posters. Sure, it looked like a teenager decorated it but that idea brought a smile onto my face.

To begin my late start to the day, I laid out my pineapple themed yoga mat and began to do basic streches and meditate afterwards, keeping my matching water bottle near. I began to steady my breathing...

Breathe in.


Breathe out.





Bzzz Bzzz...

In-- Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.

"Oh for crying out loud! If my phone goes off one more time I'm going to freeze it!"

I sighed and rolled over onto my yoga mat in defeat. I couldn't control my breathing, nor my notifications. I unlocked my phone to see who the culprit was. I groaned as I saw multiple missed calls under the contact "Block."

It was Nick-friggin-Fury. How desperately I just wanted to punch my screen, but instead I dailed his number to call him back.

"What?" A deep voice answered, as if he wasn't just ringing me a thousand times.

"Why are you calling me back to back?"

"I need you to come in. It's important."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm on vacation, sir."

"Meet you at headquarters in an hour."

"Now hold on-"

As I began to protest I was left with the beeping of the other line. I sighed, stood up and stretched, popping a few joints in the process.

'The things I do for that man, sometimes...' I thought as I walked to the bathroom to get ready.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and spent at least 15 minutes to get the perfect wing on my eye. I looked at myself in the mirror and tilted my head.

"Needs work..."

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of baggy sweatpants with several pockets and slid them on over my hips. They weren't Kardashian hips, in fact they were actually hip dips, but I loved them. I did a little dance as I slid on a cropped ACDC shirt. I accessorize a bit too, so what if I'm just seeing Fury?

Dress to impress is rule #1.

I put on a criss crossed choker, my broken heart friendship necklace, and my big star hoop earrings.

"F--- the uniform, I'm on vacation for crying out loud." I took off my head scarf and let my curls meticulously flow over my shoulders. I shake them out a bit. Thank God I decided to twist my hair or else this would've taken ages. I apply deodorant, perfume, and chapstick.

"Oooh, hey smexy thang!" I look at myself in the mirror, and I am killing it. Obviously I see some insecurities sticking out but I brush them aside. I look too good to be insecure right now. Dark, glowing skin with a few impurities, big black curls, slightly rounded face, pretty e/c eyes, and a wonderful figure stare at me from the other side of the mirror. I do a little strut, spin, grab my bag, a matching pair of red converse shoes, and I'm out of the door.


I jam out to "Children of the Korn" in the car as I make my way to headquarters, cruising around every corner. I can just see Fury complaining about my "noise."

I hop out and make my way to the building. I get my ID and strut right in, making sure to look directly at my goal, straight ahead. I don't stop to smile or wave to my close co workers, keeping a resting B----- face as newbies and strangers make way for me to pass.

Walking with a purpose is rule #2.

Intimidation is rule #3.

I have a set of rules that need to be followed 24/7, or atleast in the presence of others. I need an order and schedule, so having these rules helps a ton. Some seem weird, strict, or even harsh, but they've kept me safe without a scratch up til now. New rules are added after any mishap or failure.

Step into every room right foot first.

Rule #57 automatically plays in my head like a recording when I enter the elevator.

Right foot first.

A few others get on with me and we glide up towards our respective floors. When I get off I look around and see that everyone seems anxious. Worried almost. I shrug. Atleast they're busy.

As I walk down the hall to the "Pirate's Cove", Agent Hill stops me. She looks concerned.

"What's the dilemma, girlie?" I ask her casually. Hill and I are pretty close, seeing as we both are the smart ones here. Nick says otherwise. Hill smiles and looks me over. I catch her and start doing my best model poses.

"Be sure to get my good side, with my good wing." Hill let's out an entertained sigh.

"Jay, what are you wearing?" She smiles when I look at her in disbelief.

"Girl, I look good right now." She pushes a clipboard to my chest.

"You're out of uniform." I take the clipboard and start flipping through it.

"Yeah. Well. Technically I'm still on vacation. By the way, you should totally come with me to this uh..." I trail off as I read the papers on the board. I slowly turn to Hill.

"Girlie, what is this?" She doesn't answer my question, but motions for me to follow her. And man, can that girl move!

"Slow down!"

We make our way down the hall, I finally caught up to her.

"Hill, is what these papers say the real deal?" I ask out of breath. The papers were classified information on the Avengers project Fury had designed for special individuals.

And according to the papers, S.H.E.I.L.D. just dug up a fossil.

"Jay, when have I ever lied to you? Now come on, time to meet your War hero."



"Captain America? You want me to set him up?"

"Yeah, now get going. And don't scare him off."

I sighed. This'll require a little rule breaking..

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