Chapter 20

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Two Years Later....

I laughed as Harv tripped over the step, he grumbled,
I said" You good?"
He said" I'm fine." Then a guy walked up, grabbing the collar of my shirt,
" What's up, man?"
The guy said" Heard you fucked my girl at the party Saturday."
" You've got wrong info."
" I don't believe you." He went to throw a punch, I caught his fist, smirking then glanced to Harvey.
He said" Don't get suspended, man. Oh, and don't kill him." I let go of his fist, he decked me, Harvey chuckled, I kicked his groin then elbowed his face, he dropped fast. I smirked," You let him throw the first punch?"
I said" Yeah! Let's go!" We took off, running for his jeep, we laughed as we ran.

We got down the road, Harvey was laughing, slightly swerving,
I said" Dude!"
He said" Sorry! Sorry! Two hits, man, it's a record."
" My dad's not gonna be pleased with that call."
" Oh, it's hilarious. Where's Dean-o at anyways?"
" They are south of Phoenix. Got the bunker to myself for the next week!"
" Party?!"
" You wish. You're banned." He laughed, shaking his head," Anyway, Brooklyn's gonna head here, stay with me."
" Oh, yeah, it is fall break, huh?"
" Yep!"
" I think I have football something, whatever."
" Just me and her, if you show up, I'll shoot you."
" No, you won't."
" I'd stab you, though."
" Yes, you would, I won't disturb, don't worry. Get it on." He started rolling his hips, I laughed,
" Shut up, and stop! Gross! I just wanna hold her. That's the 4th fight this week man, but it's over for a week."
" You're like a magnet."
" And what the hell was the guy talking about anyways?"
" Have no clue. You weren't even at the party."

I pulled up to the bunker, then laughed as I saw Brooklyn's car, I drove faster then stopped at her window.
She said" Hey, bad boy."
I said" Hey, baby."
" You skipped, huh?"
" Possibly. Drive me into the garage, please." I nodded and pulled up in front of her, leading her to the garage entrance.

We were in my room, cuddling, I kissed her head,
She said" What's wrong, Tortoise?"
I said" Just a lot of fights. It's nothing." She started playing with my hair, I sighed and relaxed under her touch." Two years... of this shit. Fights constantly."
" You like fighting."
" I do, but it's getting old, between fighting at school and hunting monsters, my body is mostly scars and bruises."
" I like your body." She pushed up my shirt, then pulled it over my head, I tossed it onto the floor. She straddled my waist and began kissing every scar on my chest and torso. My eyes drifted shut as I relaxed," It means you have an awesome story, Jude. Don't be ashamed of yourself."
" Yeah..." I sighed, she giggled,
" Don't fall asleep, either."
" Tempting, honestly."
" I love your reaction to my touch."
" I know you do, you take advantage of it every time we're together."
" Mmm..." She giggled," Let's go out and eat tonight, we can take my bike, I wanna take you out on a date." I looked at her, she was smiling widely, I smirked,
" I accept." I laughed,
" Good." I kissed her, she kissed back, then we pulled away,
" I'll go get ready. See you in like 15."
" I'll get dressed." She got up and walked out of my room, I sighed and got up too, walking over to my dresser.

We were eating at the diner,
I said" I'm serious, we're what... two years going and you don't hate me yet?"
She said" Nope. I love you, you're stuck with me for the rest of our lives, deal with it, Tortoise." I smiled,
" Actually, you're stuck with me. I mean, I'm a lunatic."
" Yes, yes you are." I laughed," But I like it, you're mine. I own you." I laughed again,
" You and owning me, geez, you always gonna own me?"
" Yep!" I smiled,
" Fine. I'm okay with that."
" Good. You didn't have a choice, Jude." I smirked,
" I always have a choice, baby girl." She blushed, and looked down," Got ya, Brooklyn."
" Shut up, Jude." She laughed, I smiled widely, then the local jerks came in, dammit. They stared at me as they walked to a booth, I stared right back... then they turned around and headed towards us.
" Brooklyn, go to the bathroom."
" What?"
" Just go." She got up but got blocked by them, I stood up," Move, guys."
Michael said" No. Hey, babe, what's your name?" Brooklyn looked down," Hey!" She jumped, I walked to her, pushing her behind me,
" Leave her alone!"
" I don't have to listen to you, Jude Winchester." He pushed me out of the way and closed in on Brooklyn, I breathed heavily, then jumped back up. I pushed him away from her,
" Stay the fuck away from her!" He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me to him, I kept a hard glare, my jaw clenched." Stay the hell away from her, Michael."
" And why should I?"
" Because I'll beat you the hell up if you don't."
" Oh, really?"
" Yes." He let go of me and grabbed her arm,
She said" Let go of me, asshole!"
He said" Oh, she's got a mouth on her." He grabbed her jawline, tightening his grip, and that's when my vision went red. I decked him across the face, he let go of her and grabbed my neck, dragging me out as I choked.
" Jude! Jude! Jude?!"

I was thrown to the ground, coughing, I jumped back up and punched him, he and his friends ganged up on me. My vision blurred and I fell, coughing and spitting out blood. I collapsed further onto the ground, gasping,
Michael said" Die, bitch!" He kicked my stomach, I screamed in pain,
Brooklyn screamed" No! Leave him alone!" I heard them walking away, my eyes went to roll back." Jude! Jude! Don't go to sleep! God! Don't go to sleep!"

Brooklyn's POV
Jude was bloody, I cried and scrambled, shaking as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Harvey. He answered after a few seconds,
He said" What's up-"
I said" Harvey! Jude got jumped! We're at the diner, it's bad!"
" Call Dean! I'm on the way." Jude's eyes started closing again,
" No! Jude! Hey! Hey! Tortoise!" His eyes opened again, he groaned," Harvey, hurry! Please!"
" I'm driving as fast as possible!" I dropped my phone," Brook! Call his dad, now!" I hung up on Harvey and called Dean, he took a minute,
He said" Brooklyn?"
I said" Jude got jumped! He's barely keeping his eyes open!"
" What?"
" Dean! I don't know what to do!"
" Calm down, calm down, breathe, Brooklyn. How's he laying?"
" On his stomach."
" How bad is it?"
" He's bleeding a lot, I'm pretty sure they broke a rib or two."
" How many got him?"
" Like six guys!"
" Call Harvey."
" He's on his way."
" I'm on the way, all right? Harvey'll get him home, do not take him to a hospital, all right?"
" What? Why?!"
" Because he'll hate you, no matter what."
" What?! Dean, it's bad!" I saw Jude's eyes close," Jude! No! Don't go to sleep!"
" Hey! Brooklyn, shake his shoulders, he needs the shock." I shook his shoulders, Jude's eyes snapped open, his teeth grit together, and he gasped for air." Think you can roll him onto his back?"
" Uh, ye- Yeah." I rolled Jude onto his back, he didn't even scream,
" Why isn't he screaming? He should- He should be screaming."
" He's Jude. Kid's been beat on since he was younger. He hides his pain too well." Jude's eyes rolled back,
" Dean! He passed out!" Harvey pulled up and jumped out, running to us,
He said" Shit! Jude!"
Dean said" Harvey! Get him home! Infirmary! We'll be there in 20 minutes top."
" Yeah! Yeah!" Dean hung up, probably driving faster, Harvey got Jude into his arms, Jude was out.
I said" His bike..."
" Can you drive it?"
" Yeah, he taught me this summer."
" Follow me back to the bunker. Let's go." He carried him to his jeep and I ran to Jude's bike, after taking the keys from Jude's pocket.

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