Chapter 17

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Harvey said" You're coming to the game, right?"
I said" No."
" What?! No way, you're my bestie, it's your job to support my ass."
" I would kiss you before I had to stand outside watching fake leather be thrown back and forth on a field."
" You're dating, that would technically be cheating."
" Dammit. Screw you, Harvey." He laughed,
" When?" I laughed," Okay, I'm serious, you gotta come to the game! I-I'll pay for your ticket, and-"
" No, Harvey."
" Please! Please! Please!"
" No way." I walked ahead of him, laughing as he groaned loudly,
" I'm gonna drag your ass to the damn stadium!"

I was eating a chocolate bar for lunch,
Harvey said" Okay, I'll-I'll fill your tank, dude, I'll do about anything to get you to come to the game."
I said" Why do I need to be there? Can't you just tell me about it on Saturday?"
" No! That's not the point. The point is that you're my best friend and the most chaotic and badass kid in school right now and you'd be a great moral boost."
" Truth, you son of a bitch." I took another bite," I mean it."
" Okay! Fine, fine... You're my best friend, Jude, okay? Whether you like it here or not, you're kinda stuck with me now, because I might be Mr. Popular and all that fun jazz, but you don't get confused when I jump from one sentence to a completely different sentence, you don't care that I literally can barely stop moving for five seconds. I-I get weird looks from kids I've known my entire life and you just come in and act like I'm normal as hell, and I like that! You're my best friend. And I want you at the game. So, please, please, please, I will beg on my knees if I have to! I swear, Jude!"
" You so owe me, Harvey."
" Is that a yes?"
" Yeah, yes."
" Yes! Yes! Oh, I owe you! I know, I know. Oh, and is that all you're eating?"
" Yeah, why?"
" Because it's a chocolate bar, dude."
" Yeah, and I don't-"
" You need more than that."
" No, I really don't eat that-"
" Dude, I've barely ever seen you eat! You need more food!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the cafeteria,
" I- Harv... man! Hey." He continued to drag me through the line, putting food on the tray," Harv, I'm serious, man, I don't really ea-" I yelped as he dragged me again, he scanned his card then dragged me to a table.

We sat down down, he pushed the tray to me,
He said" Eat, dude."
I said" I'm good. I'm full."
" No, way. Now eat." I stared at the food, my stomach immediately started bubbling.
" I'm good."
" Come on, you've gotta be a little hungry, did you eat breakfast?"
" Nope."
" So, all you've had today was a chocolate bar?"
" Yep."
" Just eat something, man."
" I-I... I don't want to eat, okay? I-I can't do it. I-I gotta go. See... See you tomorrow." I took off, running as fast as I could.

I pulled up to the bunker, I ran inside and b-lined for the bathroom, I puked, gripping at my legs. I heard someone run in,
I heard my dad say" Jude? Hey, man!" He wrapped an arm around my chest as I slumped, the puking stopped, he pulled me back and leaned me against the wall. I breathed heavily," What're you doing here, man?"
I mumbled" I-I'm sorry... Harv, he was worried and tried to get me to eat and I-I just... I got sick at the thought, is there something-something wrong with me, d-dad?"
" There is nothing wrong with you, Jude. I swear." I pulled my knees up, sobbing, he wrapped his arms around me." I swear, there ain't nothing wrong with you, Jude, I swear." He grabbed the side of my face and made me look at him," You've got this, Jude. You don't like being forced to eat, you're getting enough food without being forced."
" I think I'm gonna be forced to the football game on Friday."
" You should go." He ruffled my hair, then got up, holding out his hand, I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

I was walking around the bunker,
I said" Brooklyn, I'm telling you, when you come visit, you've gotta meet Harvey. He's a complete lunatic, but you'd like him."
She said" Maybe I'll like him more than you."
" Bite me."
" Of course, I'd love to." I froze, then made a garbled noise," Got ya, tortoise."
" Mm-hm."
" How frozen are you right now?" I shook my head,
" I could sing Let it Go." She laughed, I smiled,
" I miss you."
" I miss you too. So much."
" When's the next time you can come visit?" I smiled,
" Soon, I swear. Maybe I'll drive over on Saturday, and come back on Sunday. We'll get a motel room, and some pizza, and chips and junk."
" That sounds amazing! I'd love that! I just wanna cuddle you."
" I'd really love that! I gotta see you, I need to see you."
" You're such a dork."
" I know, and you love it."
" If everyone heard how you talk to me, the school's bad boy... ooh."
" Shut up, dipshit."
" There he is, there's my Jude." I smiled widely,
" Okay, you know what, I'm hanging up on you, you-you... ugh!" She laughed," I am, I'll hang up."
" Then hang up."
" I- Agh! I don't want to."
" Ha ha ha."
" Shut up." She giggled, I could tell she was blushing," Are you blushing, Brooklyn?"
" Shut up." I smirked,
" Ah, so you are."
" I'm hanging up on you, love you, dork."
" I love you too, dipshit." She laughed,
" Goodnight!"
" Goodnight, sweet dreams." She hung up, after blowing a kiss, I smiled then leaned against the wall, sighing. My body relaxing normally for the first time in ages.

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