Chapter 7

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They were getting gas, and food, I was sitting in the car.

Dean was staring at me from the pump, I could tell he was worried about me, I haven't talked much

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Dean was staring at me from the pump, I could tell he was worried about me, I haven't talked much. Then the door was opened,
Dean said" You hungry?" I shook my head," Dude, I've seen you eat at that jar of Nutella and bag of m&ms since we left your town. You've gotta be hungry."
I said" Not hungry."
" There's no way those two things are filling."
" Not hungry." He sighed,
" Fine, you don't have to eat anything else if you don't want to. We're still a few hours out from our friend's, so, if you wanna get out, stretch your legs, kinda your last chance." I sighed but scooted out, I messed with my amulet." I gave your mom that amulet, I forgot what it was actually for, but it meant everything to her."
I mumbled" Then why'd she give it to me?"
" Because you meant the world to her, Jude. I mean, you're named after her favorite song."
" Hey, Jude by The Beatles."
" Yeah, she adored that song. She always wanted to listen to it."
" I-I don't... I don't wanna talk about her."
" All right. We don't have to. But I'd like to know about you, okay? So, come on, what's your favorite food?"
" Burgers."
" Heh, you like pie?"
" Apple and peach." Dean chuckled,
" You are like me. Damn."

We pulled up to this junkyard, I looked at Sam and Dean, Dean stopped the car and we got out. I followed them to the door, Sam knocked, the door opened and I saw a man.
He said" He Hailey's?" I gulped, my fists tightening, I looked down.
Dean said" Yeah, that's Jude."
" Hey, son. I'm Bobby, practically raised your mom after her parents passed." I saw his hand coming towards me, I backed up quickly.
" Whoa, hey. He's just trying to shake your hand."
" Hailey hi-"
" No, her husband did though."
" She let a man hit her kid?"
" I wasn't happy about it either, I'm gonna go back for her b-" I flinched, breathing heavily," For her. For her. In the morning."

Dean's POV
I saw Jude's head nodding, he rolled his shoulder, wincing a bit, before his head finally went forward.
Bobby said" Kid's real broken up. He know the truth?"
Sam said" Yeah, he knows. I don't even think that's apart of the issue anymore. He seen his mom dead, shredded, I mean... it even got us for a second. Dean, are you okay?" I kept my stare on Jude, he was sitting on the couch, bag in his arms, phone in his hand, headphones around his neck." Dean?" I looked at Sam,
I said" What?"
" Are you okay?"
" Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
" Because you were in love with Hailey. You had a kid with her. Now she's been killed by a demon, your son was attacked by a demon. We barely got there in time to save him."
" I'm fine."
" Dean-"
" I'm fine, Sam. I killed the demon that killed her, and I need to worry about Jude. Kid's been taking hits since he was 8, now he's taken the biggest hit, his mom being killed. She's all the kid had for 15 years, he's gonna explode, and with his already destructive tendencies, it's gonna be worse than anything I could imagine."
Bobby said" Destructive tendencies?"
" He likes to punch things and get punched. He likes the pain. What I'm thinking, he self harms. Don't know how, don't know where, but kid's good at keeping quiet."
" He was abused?"
" Since he was 8. Till the man died by a demon, a few days before his mom."
" You two were there when Hailey died?"
" Downstairs. Didn't even hear the demons come in. I heard Jude scream my name, then Hailey scream... Sam and I hightailed it upstairs, we should have ran to Hailey first."
Sam said" Dean, if anything would have happened to Jude, and Hailey survived, she'd have never stayed. You know that, she'd have made a deal. Life for a life."
" I know, that's why I went to Jude first. Then it was too late, Hailey was dead, Jude was fighting a demon, he got thrown, I killed the son of a bitch." Jude shuffled in his sleep, his hand dropped his phone, his arms slouched.
Bobby said" He looks like you, Dean."
" He acts like him too, believe me, he's like Teen Dean."
I said" Shuddup." Sam scoffed,
" I'm stating facts, Dean, I mean, Jude is like a Teenage version of you."
Bobby said" Question though, does he act like Dean?"
" Definitely. He's stubborn, impulsive and cocky."
I said" All right, all right, but he's got a good heart, even though he's pissed at the world and everyone in it. Hailey told me about how he gets in trouble for defending girls in gym class. Even though he knew the second the school called, he'd get beat by Joe. That's how he met Brooklyn, his girl, though I'm pretty sure, he doesn't have balls to say it to her."
" He's a good kid when he gets out of his shell."
Jude's POV
I woke up, I opened my eyes, sighing, blinking a few times.
I heard Dean say" Just in time. Hey, I'm headed out, I'll be back in a day or so, Sam's here."
I said" Okay." He nodded then walked out, I held my bag tightly, then pulled out the butterfly knife. I flipped it in my hand, watching the blade move rhythmically. Sam walked past me then stopped,
He said" Is that a butterfly knife?" I nodded," Where'd you get that?"
" For a birthday, I was 13."
" How long did it take you to figure it out?"
" A week... mom wouldn't show me, she just said you'll figure it out when your brains catch up with puberty." He chuckled,
" Yeah, that sounds about right. She called me Chipmunk for a week straight, because my voice was cracking."
" Little mouse."
" Chipmunk is way better now that I think about it."
" I miss her."
" Yeah, kid, I know. You can talk to me or Dean about it, if you want. You know, we know plenty of stories about her, I'm betting you do too."
" Dean doesn't like talking about her, I can tell."
" You're just like Hailey. She could always tell when someone was uncomfortable, the amount of fights she got me and Dean out of... she's probably the only reason we still call each other brother."
" What was she like... you know, when she was my age?"
" She was crazy, impulsive, stubborn, but the sweetest person I'd ever met. She was good at getting her fingers into everything, she knew a lot about so many things. She snuck me and Dean into the movies, managed to get us a large popcorn, and a buttload of candy, and sodas without getting caught."
" How?"
" Don't know, never would tell us how she did it, just told us to shut up and watch the damn movie before I slap you upside the head."
" Was she always afraid of pools of blood?"
" On movies? Definitely, for some reason just creeped her the hell out. It was hilarious to watch, till she would get actually scared and dive under a blanket, then we'd turn off the movie and play cards."
" Were they in love?" I looked at him, gulping,
" Yeah, they were. I think Dean fell head over when she laughed."
" Why was she laughing?"
" Dean tripped, it was pretty funny. Then Dean made it his job to make her laugh as much as possible."
" Cool."

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