Chapter 3

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I was getting pity stares, everyone saying sorry for my loss... and I couldn't stand it, I-I know he was my dad and all, but man's been hitting me since I turned 8, I didn't have any love for him.

I was walking to my next class, Brooklyn nudged my shoulder

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I was walking to my next class, Brooklyn nudged my shoulder.
I said" Hey."
She said" God, your dad, how are you even at school right now?"
" Uh, my mom sent me... she said she had something to look into, didn't want me at the house alone."
" Are you okay?"
" Yeah, I'm fine."
" Jude, your dad died..."
" Yeah, and I'm fine. I-I guess. I don't actually know, I'm kinda just numb to everything."
" Jude, you should talk to the counselor."
" No!" She stopped walking, I sighed, then looked down," No, I'm sorry, but I don't do the whole feelings thing."
" You should."
" I don't, I-I can't, uh... I gotta get to class, uh, see you later." I rushed off, then ran through the halls, I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I punched the wall, yelping as my fist connected hard to the wall. I took a deep breathe, then messed with my amulet, I sighed, then grabbed my coffee and chugged it. I coughed then threw the cup away, I unlocked the door and walked out, I raised my chin and put on a tough face.

I was walking out of school, once I got past the stairs, my bag was grabbed and I was yanked under the stairs. I saw dickhead Jock #1,
He said" So, did you kill your daddy?"
I said" Fuck off."
" Oh, you've got words, huh?"
" Fuck you. Fuck off. Go fuck yourself." He punched me in the eye, I grunted, the force pushing my head into the wall. I lost my balance and fell, he walked away, I sighed," Fuck!" I stood up and walked away, Brooklyn ran up to me.
She said" Your face, hey, who did that?"
" Don't matter. I'm headed home."
" Hey, can I walk with you?" I nodded my head, she smiled and held my hand, leading me.
" Okay... what'd I do?"
" Except for totally ignore me in every class we have together, which is by the way, three. You've done nothing wrong."
" I'm sorry, I am, I just-"
" Have a lot on your mind. I know. It's okay, I'm not mad. I'm worried about you and you're not letting me."
" Look, I'm okay, Brooklyn. I am. If you're so worried about me, come to the funeral, it's tomorrow, at 11am, at the creepy ass church on the hill. I might lose my damn mind if you're not there..."
" You are guilting me, jerk."
" Is it working?" I smiled, she blushed then kissed my cheek,
" Yes. But I know you've got better excuses, so keep going."
" Damn, you're good." She smirked and looked at me as we continued walking, she giggled." His family will be there, if you're not there to keep me sane... I will definitely go to jail, and I wouldn't survive in jail. I mean, look at my face." I tilted my head, putting on a charming smile, she giggled.
" All I can see is bruises and cuts." She held my face, her thumb skimmed over the bruise forming around my eye.
" It's okay, I'm okay. Remember 58 fights and going up."
" Fine, I'll go. But you gotta promise me you'll be nice."
" Fine, fine, I'll be nice... but if my cousin, who is a total perv, even looks at you, I'm punching his dick then his throat."
" You're not gonna be nice, are you?"
" Probab-" I noticed a car outside my house, then I saw mom's car.
" Jude?"
" Hmm. Come on." I grabbed her hand and walked quickly up to the front door, I snuck to the window and saw two men in suits sitting on the couch.
She whispered" FBI? I thought they said it was a break in, a window was broken."
I whispered" Yeah, that's what my mom told the news. Hey, I'll text you, okay?"
" Be careful."
" I'm always careful."
" Liar." I smirked, she walked away, smiling at me, I walked to the front door, opening it.

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