Chapter 15

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I jolted up, breathing heavily, my head was pounding, I whined.
I heard Dad say" Hey, bud, you're okay, you're alright." I opened my eyes, the light just hurt, I covered my face, I heard the click of the light being turned off. I uncovered my face," You remember anything?"
I mumbled" I-I... uh, a guy tried to, um, force me to drink but was stopped by the guy having the party, Harvey West, he seemed cool... then-then the guy came back with a soda, I drank it... everything goes black after that..."
" Well, that guy drugged you, you called me, I rushed to you, you were completely out of it by the time I got there. Brought you home, Cas healed you, you've been out ever since."
" What time is it?"
" 6:17pm." I slumped," You hungry?" I shook my head," Come on, buddy, Cas might've healed you, but that drug had enough time to sink into your system."
" Why do I feel so bad?"
" You're hungover, coming down from a high, you'll be fine after a few hours." He grabbed my arms and helped me up, I wobbled a bit but got my balance.

We walked into the kitchen, I sat down at the table, he started making something, I put my head in my arms.
I heard Sam say" He awake?"
Dad said" Maybe. Hey, Jude, head up." I slightly lifted my head up before putting it back sown," He's drained. Fixing him a burger."
" All right." My stomach tensed, then I ran to the trashcan and hurled, I crashed to my knees. Sam was next to me in a second flat," Whoa, hey, kiddo. You're all right. Let's get you up." He pulled me up, my head rolled back, he grabbed the back of my head to keep it up." Dean, he needs to go back to bed. And maybe a burger isn't the best idea." Then my dad's arms were wrapped around me too as they both led me back to bed.

I walked into school, then Harvey West ran up to me, He said" You disappeared at the party, you okay?" I said" Um

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I walked into school, then Harvey West ran up to me,
He said" You disappeared at the party, you okay?"
I said" Um... I-I..." I rushed away from him, quickly, I don't wanna talk about the party. I've ignored it the rest of the weekend even though my dad's so concerned he might explode.

I was at lunch, eating m&ms, then I was cornered by Harvey West, I gulped.
He said" Talked around, people said they saw you against the wall zoned out then practically carried out by a man. Dude, what's up?"
I said" That was my dad. He came and got me... after I called him, saying I think I was roofied."
" Roofied? Drugged? Were.. who?"
" It's really not a big deal, please." I tried to walk away, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
" Oh, it's a big deal, all right? It's a huge deal, someone could have hurt you, Jude."
" No one did. I'm fine."
" I'm serious. Who was it?" I looked down, he grabbed my hands, leaning down a little." Dude, Jude, who was it?"
I mumbled" The-The guy who tried to get me to drink..."
" What?"
" He-He brought me a soda, I drank it, it was my fault-"
" No, no, no way. Not your fault. Are you crazy? It's not your fault."
" Just leave it alone, Harvey, okay?"
" No, ha, no way. That was my party, in my house, and you were drugged there. Did you go to the hospital?"
" No, uh, my dad and uncle handled it."
" All right. Are you okay?"
" Still a bit drained, but I'm okay."
" I'll deal with that guy, okay? Don't worry about it." 
" I'm not."

I left the last class, I've somehow managed to avoid a fight the entire day, which I'm kinda happy for. I'm completely exhausted, and just wanna go home to sleep. Harvey's arm wrapped over my shoulder,
He said" Wanna hang out?"
I said" Can I take a rain check?" We walked out of the school.

We walked down the steps and I saw dad leaning against the car waiting for me.
I said" That's my dad."
Harvey said" I want the car."
" Good luck, he loves that car, her name is Baby."
" Oh, amazing." I saw Dad watching me, I rolled my eyes," Look, I dealt with him, he shouldn't mess with you or anyone else again."
" Thanks."
" Give me your number." I sighed then unlocked my phone, handing him it, he smiled and put his number in my phone, then texted himself." Thank you, Bestie." I laughed," Text ya later." I walked away from him.

Once I got to my dad,
He said" Who was that?"
I said" Harvey West."
" Your friends with a football player?" He laughed,
" Bite me." He laughed even more, I smiled and got into the car, he got in and looked at me." Can we go now? I wanna go to bed."
" Bed? This early?"
" I'm still exhausted."
" That drug, whatever it was, got into your system, kiddo. Sorry."
" It's fine. Don't wanna talk about it."
" Kid, you got drugged. Anything could-"
" I don't wanna talk about it! Please?!" I put on my headphones and blared my music.

I got to my room and face-planted my bed, I sighed then my phone rang, I answered it as I saw Brooklyn's name.
She said" Hey, babe!"
I said" Hey, baby."
" You sound drained. Are you sure you're okay? Did you get drunk?"
" Uh, I'm okay. And no, uh... I-I got drugged."
" Drugged?! Jude, what-what happened?! Are you okay?!"
" Hey, hey, I'm okay, just drained."
" Jude..."
" Dad came and rescued me, and brought me home, kept me well."
" But, you- how? Oh, my god."
" I shouldn't have told you."
" No, no, I'm..." She sighed," It's fine, I'm okay."
" No, you're not. I-I... uhm."
" Hey, no, I'm sorry I freaked out, I just worry about you."
" I-I'm glad you do, but I'm okay, Brooklyn."
" Okay, you should go to sleep, Jude. You sound drained."
" Yeah, um... just stay on the phone?"
" Totally." I put my phone next to me, closing my eyes, drifting off.

I woke up to dad shaking my shoulder, I groaned and covered my head.
He said" Come on, wake up, get some food and you can go back to sleep."
I grumbled" Go away." He chuckled then wrapped his arms around my stomach and pulled me up. I groaned, holding onto his arms and he dragged me out of my room.
" We're going to a diner, you need to get out of the house."
" Fine, fine." He put me down in the hallway, we headed for the car.

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