Chapter 1

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Mom knocked on my door, then it opened, she looked at me, her eyebrow arched, her lip pursed. I moved the icepack from my face, showing my black eye to her.
She said" Jude Arden, you've got two seconds to explain yourself."
I said" I'm sorry."
" That's all you gotta say?"
" Yep."
" Ju, you sent the boy to the hospital, you're lucky they aren't pressing charges. And that's just because he threw the first punch."
" Well, he shouldn't have punched me."
" You can't just go around picking fights, Jude, it's not healthy."
" Nothing that happens to me is healthy, why don't we just leave?"
" You know why. Now, uh, go to bed."
" Bed? It's 5:30."
" I'm not happy with you, Jude. Just stay in your room."
" I'm grounded?! I was defending myself!"
" You broke his arm and nose, that's not defending yourself anymore."
" Whatever." She walked out, closing the door, I sighed then fell back onto my bed, I touched the eye, flinching as it stung like a bitch. I breathed heavily then flipped up, I walked to my window, staring out, I screamed as I punched the wall as hard as I could. I sighed, laying my forehead on the wall," Dammit!" I squeezed my eyes shut then pushed off the wall, I walked to my notebook and opened it, jotting down another tick mark on the Fights This Year page... I'm up to 57, and it's only October. I'm gonna rack up to the hundreds for sure. I sighed then pushed off the wall, I walked to my bag and pulled out my schoolwork.

It's about 1am, I heard my door open, I turned around and saw my dad,
I said" Yeah?"
He grumbled" Heard you got into another fight, sonny."
" Yep, he punched first."
" How haven't they expelled you."
" Uh, they're probably idiots, or it's my excellent grades."
" Excellent? Ha, you wish, that'd get you out of a beating." I gulped, I could smell the vodka from here," Saw your report card."
" I can- I can explain, dad, I-" He grabbed the collar of my shirt and slammed me into my desk. I grunted," I can, the teacher fuck-"
" What?"
" Wait, I'm so-" He socked my cheek, my head moved the opposite direction, as I spit out blood." I'm sorry." He threw me onto the ground, I breathed heavily, then curled up. He kicked my stomach, my body actually slid back, I screamed in pain.
" Shut your damn mouth, Jude! If we get one more call this week, I'm gonna beat your ass so much you won't be able to move for a month." I nodded quickly, he stomped out, then I heard his yelling from his room. I let my head drop onto my floor, I breathed heavily, then pulled myself up. I looked at myself in the mirror, glaring at my reflection, anger filled me, I drew back my fist and punched the mirror as hard as I could. It shattered under my fist, I dropped to my knees, my door opened,
I heard mom say" Jude? Oh, honey..." She rushed to me, her arms wrapped around my shoulders and she pulled me into her. She hugged me, I loosely wrapped my arms around her stomach, she started singing Hey, Jude.

Once she finished the song, she ran her fingers through my hair,
She said" We in this together, baby?"
I said" Always."
" It's late, you eat?"
" Nah, I'm good."
" Let me see your stomach."
" Momma, I'm fine."
" Did I ask?"
" You're annoying."
" I know, it's my job, Ju." I lifted up my shirt, showing her the already bruising and still red skin.
" Where is he?"
" He went out to the bar. I've gotta be up in like 4 hours for work, but kitchen is yours. Lock your door when you lay down."
" All right." She kissed my head, then stood up,
" Night, Jude Bug."
" Night, mom." She walked out, I stared at my reflection then got up, sucking in a quick breathe as my body immediately ached and stung.

I walked downstairs, and got to the kitchen, I walked to the fridge, grabbing a water. I walked to the cabinets and grabbed a bag of chips, a packet of gushers and a fruit rollup. I headed back upstairs.

I closed the door to my room and locked it, I walked to my bed and I messed with my amulet as I pulled out my laptop, turning it on. I pulled off my shirt, shimming out of my jeans, I played a movie, munching on the snacks I snagged from the kitchen.
I walked into school, the jock from yesterday walked up,
He sneered" You cost me my scholarship, dipshit!"
I laughed" Yeah, sure, pal! I'm not the one who threw the first punch. Get outta my fucking face, now."
" And if I don't." My mind went back to what my dad said, I gulped, but set on a hard stare, raising my chin.
" You'll regret it."
" Oh, I will?" He shoved me into the lockers, I groaned, don't fight back... god, don't fight back." Huh? What're you gonna do, bones?"
" You saw what I can do, you really wanna try that again?"
" Bet you can't do it again."
" Bet I can." Then the bell rang, I glared at the jock,
" This ain't over, dipshit."
" Oh, definitely not, asshole." He walked away, I sighed, then watched him turn the corner before grabbing my back, wincing as it stung.
A girl said" Wow, you so have a mask on, don't you?" I turned to her, I'd never seen her before.
" I have no idea what you're talking about, I gotta get to class." I tried to walk, but grunted in pain, instead... I held onto the wall, breathing heavily.
" Are you just a living punching bag?" She tugged my shirt, I pulled my shirt down quickly." I mean... you're seriously more purple and blue bruises than healthy skin."
" Hey, I'mma be late, so uh... go away, in the most respectful manner I can put it. Sorry." She chuckled, then the second warning bell rang," I really gotta go." I grabbed my bag and ran off for my first period.

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