Chapter 56

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Everything inside of me wanted to jump from my chair and embrace him to pretend last night was only a nightmare. But my broken heart kept me glued into my chair. The mask I have been trying so hard to keep in place vanished the second I heard his voice. He was easily able to see all my anguish and sorrow in my eyes. He had dark circles underneath his, mine would have as well but makeup can do wonders. They two were filled with sorrow, but also regret.

Ryder reaches out a hand to touch me, but I recoil before he can make contact. A new sadness enters his brown eyes over my reaction. My heart cringes over the pain I was causing him to the point I almost reach for him, but my head reminds me of his betrayal.

"Sweetheart," he cries. I narrow my eyes at him. Hearing him call me sweetheart now provokes a very different response. He clears his throat. "Aubree?"

Reputing my mask back in place I turn in my chair to face him. "Yes, Ryder how may I help you," I ask him using the tone of voice I use when I'm all business.

He rocks back on his heels slightly probably picking up on my displeasure. "I was wondering if we could talk," he stutters.

I open up my calendar on my computer. "When would you like to schedule an appointment?" Ryder stares at me like a gapping fish. I pretend to be clicking on something on my computer. "Well today I can't meet with you," I continue when he says nothing, "due to the concert this evening I need to prepare." I glance at the time. "In fact Skylar should be here soon. If you have something pressing you wish to discuss you can always speak with her."

"Why are you acting like this," Ryder asks searching my eyes for the answers.

I sigh and close my laptop when I spot Skylar walking towards us. So much for getting a few tasks completed this morning before leaving for the venue. Granted they will still be there I had wanted to get a few of them done. 

"I'm not sure what you are implying Mr. Clark. I'm simply trying to figure out a time we can meet per your request to discuss what is distressing you. I offered you the option to speak with Skylar if this was something you could not wait to discuss. If you are unable to speak with her on the manner we shall than have to schedule a time I would be available and to be frank Mr. Clark with the concert my schedule is quite full. I'm not at all certain when I would be available to speak with you. So you would be better off setting a time to meet with Skylar." Every time I called him Mr. Clark I could detect a slight cringe. 

"Mr. Clark? Really? What the fuck Aubree? My name has always been Ryder to you not fucking Mr. Fucking Clark." Ryder's raised voice has drawn the attention of the now semi crowded coffee house. I didn't want to be spreading out dirty laundry in public, but he has left me no choice. There is no backing down now.  "You of all people know how much I despise being called Mr. Clark." He's right I do, but I need to set boundaries between us and as much as he hates being reminded of his father I have to protect myself. "Don't even fucking get me started about how I have to set an appointment to speak with you."              

"Ms. Parker," I tell him somehow managing to keep a straight face. At this point Skylar has joined out table and keeps swiveling her head back and forth while Adam is sitting back watching the show. 

"What?" He stutters. 

"Ms. Parker is how I would like for you to address me from no on due to the fact we no longer are on friendly terms and moving forward we shall only have a professional relationship. As for setting an appointment to speak me that is how simply how things are normally done between managers and clients."

"This is ridiculous," he sputters, "and you fucking know it." 

"Not really," Adam interject. "Usually in the business managers are on not so friendly terms with their clients as Aubree seems to be with Steel Wolf. Managers tend to try and keep their personal lives separate from their working ones. The type of relationship Steel Wolf has with Aubree is unusual."

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