Chapter 16

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Two updates what?!?!?! This chapter is dedicated to perry_mysticforce and Mimireads2 for their continued support! 

Tray slams into the window behind him with a thud and so much force the plexiglass vibrates from the impact. Tray's arm falls from my shoulder and he rubs his stomach. Ryder stands there ready to throw another punch with fire flying from his eyes. Lucan moves to restrain him if need be.

"Thanks for at least not going for my money maker," Tray says. "But what the fuck was that for?"

Before Ryder can explain himself Mason joins the group oblivious to the tension around him. "Don't think those two are going to be rejoining the party," he says pointing to the room Dimitri and Skylar had disappeared to and shaking his head. "Tray going to need some ear plugs tonight," he says turning his attention to Tray and only then noticing Tray's pained expression. "What happened to you in the thirty seconds I was gone."

The words spill from lips before I could stop them. "Ryder punched Tray for commenting on how he thinks I would be in bed." My face turns bright red and all I wish to do is hide.

"Dude," Mason scolds, "we talked about this. You can't say sex related stuff, Skylar or Aubree in the same sentence. I'm surprised Ryder was the first to punch you and not Dimitri."

"I'm not," Lucan adds to the conversation. "Dimitri has more control then Ryder."

Tray's and Mason's eyes shift back and forth between Ryder and me much like spectators at a tennis match. I can see the questions in their eyes, but their alcohol enhanced minds makes making connections next to impossible. In fact I was shocked they were still able to function with the amount of alcohol they all consumed.

I quickly try to come up with something to say to change the topic from Ryder and me, but my brain was too sluggish to put anything together. Ryder didn't seem to have the same problem as me. "I was afraid if I punched your face the ugly would have worn off on me." Just like that the guys one again fall into friendly banter and the entire incident forgotten.

At some point I find myself standing close to Ryder. He bends down to whisper in my ear, "you owe me."

I whip my head around so quickly I catch him in the nose and he pulls back in pain. Water glistens in his eyes from the sudden impact. "I'm so sorry I tell him," my snarky comment forgotten. 

He rubs his nose checking for blood luckily none falls. "Bree if I knew you liked it rough I would have been more then happy to deliver." At his words all pity I felt for him disappears.

"Don't start," I hiss at him. Then remembering what I was going to say earlier I add. "I owe you nothing. You were the one who couldn't control your temper and punched Tray. I didn't force you too. You did that all on your own. So I owe you nothing."

Not being deterred by my words he continues as though I hadn't spoken. "I'll take payment in the bed room." He runs his gaze over me and my mouth is suddenly dry from the heat I can see in his eyes. A liquid heat centers between my legs and I know he is the only one who will be able to take the need away. Damn him. 

I glare at him, but my glare isn't as strong ad the usually are because a smile teases at the corner of his mouth. Afraid I would let him take me in front of the guys I slink away from him with my tail between my legs. His eyes dace with merriment over my action, but he makes no move to stop me. Maybe he too needs some distance between us. 

I sit down next to Lucan figuring sitting next to him is safer than sitting next to Tray. Ryder takes the open seat on the other side of Lucan. Lucan squirms in his seat due to the sexual tension radiating between the two of us.

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