Chapter 48

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The meet and great completes without any major mishaps. Wicked Minion had no problem soaking up all the attention they were receiving, especially from the ladies. On more than one occasion I had to remind them of the rules about no girls traveling on the bus. Skylar had to step in a few times to move the women along.

Logan, Sebastian, and Axel at one point disappeared, along with some of the women. The search for them stopped when I came across the door of a dressing room and loud moaning could be heard. Memories of when they guy use to do the same thing flood my mind. Quietly I back away and make a note to send them a text in about ten minutes to remind them to get back on to the bus.

When I had returned to the room the guys either sent me knowing looks or winks. They too remember a time when I had to chase them out of a dressing room with their pants around their ankles. At least now they tend to wait till we have a hotel for the night, but if the time in between hotels is too long they have been known to pull the disappearing act. They also have no issues with making use of a bathroom at a club or restaurant.

Now we were heading to the bus and another city. Ryder was walking directly behind me, but was keeping his hands to himself. The three who disappeared earlier have since returned to the group as well. I usher Wicked Minion to their bus and follow them to make sure they all make it on. Don't need to leave anyone behind, nor have any stowaways.

I meet up with Skylar as she was exiting the Steel Wolf's bus. "Everyone accounted for," I ask her.

"Yep. Including Adam sadly." Skylar informs me.

Hearing her mention Adam's name reminds me to tell her about documenting his every move. "Skylar I'm going to be creating a document where we can keep tract of Adam's action. A little birdy reminded me of who is he doesn't keep up his end of the contract I can have him pulled from the show."

Skylar smiles and dances in place. "That's wonderful! Now finger crossed he screws up sooner rather than later."

I nod my head while I create the document on my tablet and hit the share button. "I shared the document so you should be able to access it. Let me know if you aren't able to."

"Roger that boss." Skylar says checking her tablet and giving me a thumbs up. "Ryder went to your bus. I hope that was okay," her voice changes to one of concern.

Another weight is lifted from my shoulders hearing how Ryder went to my bus and not theirs. "No that is perfectly fine. We were going to talk," I confess.

"Good I'm glad. The two of you need to talk. He's done nothing, but sulk all day," Skylar informs me. "I was about to lock the two of you in a room together till you sorted your differences. You both do better when you are together verses apart."

"Yes we do." I agree with her.

"Well you better hurry along and go see that stud of yours. Don't want to leave him waiting," she sends me a wink and her eyes dance with secrets. The two of them are up to something.

With Skylar's words ringing in my ears I head to my bus with an extra bounce in my step. Today started out crappy, but hopefully will end on a better note. Ryder and I already seem to be on the mend if his actions from earlier were any indication.

My phone pings with an email from the hotel we are going to be staying at tomorrow night wanting me to verify the list of my request was correct. I was too bust staring at my phone at first to notice the changes on the bus when I first enter. Ryder's light laughter draws me from my phone and the sight before me has me almost dropping my phone.

Ryder is standing in the middle of the kitchen area holding a mix bouquet of pale pink roses and white orchids with a brush of purple. There are fake candles on almost ever surface available. On the table some kind of take out and if the delicious aroma coming from them were any indications of the goodies inside I will be a happy girl.

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