Chapter 4

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The alarm goes off waking me from an unrestful sleep. My anxiety over the phone call with Lucan this morning kept me awake well into the early morning hours. This is one of my weaknesses. I struggle whenever someone tells me they need to talk to me and what made this one worse was that I had to wait to have the conversation. 

Rolling out of bed I check the time and see that it is too early to call a rocker. Plus I want to be more awake and put together for the conversation that is about to take place. So I take a shower and get myself ready to face the day. 

When I make it into my kitchen I brew a cup of coffee because no way in hell was I doing anything without some caffeine in my system. I decide to wait to eat till after the conversation because with the way my nerves currently were I wouldn't be able to stomach anything. The coffee finished brewing and I quickly add some cream. I debate if there was anything else I needed to do before I called Lucan. 

Realizing that I'm only delaying the inevitable I slink to the couch and stare at Lucan's contact information on my phone. Giving myself a mini pep talk I hit the call button. The phone rings a few times before he picks up and with each ring of the phone I grow more and more anxious.

"Morning Aubree." He sounds way more chipper then I thought anyone in the morning should sound, which places me even more on edge.

"Good Morning Lucan. You texted last night saying you wanted to talk this morning." I hope I didn't stutter through my words so much that he noticed. Nervously I pick at the couch cushion awaiting his response. 

"I did," he pauses for a moment and I hold my breath. "I got an interesting phone call last night from an Adam Nixon." 

Of course he would call Lucan, but how did he know Lucan was the one that was running the show. Adam must have spies or something in Mr. Gears office. The secretary maybe? Or maybe Mr. Gear mentioned something in passing when Adam called him yesterday.

Lucan continues, "after I finished my fan freak out I realized something very quickly."

"What's that," I ask softly.

"Adam is an ass," he says with a chuckle. "I over heard him talking to someone and was applaud by the way he spoke to them. There had been rumors about him being an ass, but after our conversation I learned the rumors are true. He kept trying to sway me to be buddy buddy with him, but I grew up with people like that and can see through the lies. In fact the entire band would never be swayed by the persona Adam puts on."

Thank goodness he was able to see through Adam. I only wish I had been able to before I got romantically involved with him. I completely ignored the signs and sat there with my blinders on. If only I had removed the blinders sooner. I felt like Lucan's last statement was said to help put my mind at ease.

"Calling Adam an ass is putting it nicely." I tell Lucan. "I could think of a few more choice words."

Lucan chuckles at my comment. "I was trying to reign in my colorful language didn't want to upset my manager." When he says my manger a new hope fills me. Maybe the band is going to keep me around. He did see through Adam. "But you are correct there are better words out there to describe him. I'm still struggling with wrapping my head around the fact you were involved with him." And boom there is the bomb.

I decide honesty would be the best policy. "I had blinders on. He swept me off my feet and I was more invited in the idea of him then him."

"I hate guys like that." He mutters. "In the little bit of time I've gotten to know you I know you deserve so much better than that jackass. I'm glad you were able to remove the blinders."

"More like he ripped them off." I don't go into more details and neither does he ask probably due to the tone of my voice. "What else did he want?" I ask because with Adam there is always more. 

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