Chapter 46

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Wicked Minions fist sound check on tour went better then I was expecting. Sure the guys flirted with some of the staff and cracked a few jokes, but overall surprisingly they were on their best behavior. Which makes me wonder if they are going to give me hell when the concert is over. Though not sure how much trouble they will be able to get into since we aren't sticking around. Maybe I should remind them of the rule no one, outside of staff and band members, are allowed to travel on bus from location to location.

I never had to worry about enforcing the rule with Steel Wolf because they would never allow women on the bus. Till Skylar. When Skylar came around the band bent the rule and allowed her on. Some how she also convinced them to let me onto the bus.

Wicked Minion was wrapping up a few slight corrections when a Glen one of our main crew guys approaches me. "Aubree," he says glancing down at his feet and appearing to be extremely uncomfortable.

I rise my brow at his behavior. "Glen whatever you have to say please just tell me."

He lets out a sigh before speaking and I tense waiting to hear what catasotphe he was about to drop into my lap. "Just wondering if you knew when Adam was going to show for his sound check."

Fucking Adam. After the stunt he pulled in the restaurant and what occurred after I have no desire to speak to him directly. Nor go anywhere near him alone. First line of defense cell phones. I send him a quick text asking when he is going to grace us with his presence for his sound check. Not waiting for a response I slip my phone in my pocked figuring he wouldn't respond right away.

"I sent him a text asking when he will show up," I explain to Glen. He gives me a puzzled expression. The crew is use to me stomping away to go yell at one of the band members. Truth be told if they were looking for someone from Wicked Minion or Steel Wolf I would, but not Adam. I'll send another crew member, male that is, to go get him. Worse case Skylar and I would go together, after we let the guys in on what we were doing.

Glen nods his head and walks away when I don't go into any more details about my strange behavior. Normally I would be open to explaining to Glen the why behind my actions, but not today. No one on the crew needs to be in on the fact Adam and I use to date. Especially on all the shit he put me through.

I can already feel a headache coming on. If this is how the entire tour is going to be I'm going to lose my shit. Maybe I can stick Frank on him to make sure he is where he needs to be. I hate to put the responsibility onto Frank, he already goes above and beyond, but I might not have a choice. Frank would have no problem stepping up and helping. There were more than one occasion he even stepped in and played the role of my assistant.

Before I can talk myself out of asking him for help I send him a message in a group chat with Skylar explaining what I need from him. Without a pause Frank responds says he is on the job and for me not too worry. I make a note in my phone to make sure Frank gets an extra bonus at the end of the tour.

Of course there was no message from Adam waiting on my phone. My anxiety starts to rise and my heart stars to beat harder in my chest. After this tour, if I'm still with Steel Wolf, I will be putting my foot down on who is added to the tour. No more of this shit. I remind myself Frank is taking care of Adam and when Frank is in charge of something he always follows through.

I must have been so lost in thought because I didn't even realize Wicked Minion had left the stage and Steel Wolf took their place. Not wanting to leave Wicked Minion unsupervised I hasten to catch up with them, but am stopped by Lucan.

He grabs my shoulders forcing me to stop. "You okay," he asks full of concern.

Not sure how to respond. Am I okay? No. But do I want him to pry more. No. Not much wiggle room for me to get out of this one, but if I lie he will see right though my lie and will make matters for me much worse. I settle on being honest. "Not really." Then the flood gates open. "Between the fight with Ryder and now Adam being MIA I'm ripping my hair out over here. And since I can't well won't treat Adam how I would you guys I've had to ask Frank to help."

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