Chapter 70

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The sun has been awake for about a hour now when I pull into the dinner right outside of town. Normally we would of went to The Hideout, but none of us were ready to face Grandma Rose or Pops. Also can't forget don't want us meeting for breakfast to find its way back to Mr. Gear. The guys already have enough shit without him finding out and adding more.

I pull my ballcap low on my head and slip on my sunglasses. I may not be as famous as the guys, but people sometimes recognize me. Better to be safe than sorry. Checking my disguise one more time I leave the car and head inside. 

The dinner isn't overly crowded and the few who are here are your older blue collar population. Even the staff were on the older side. Perfect. In my experience not many will recognize him and the few who do won't approach out of respect nor take a shit ton of pictures.

I spot Mason sitting in the back facing the entrance. He's wearing a black tight fitted t-shirt and leather jacket along with a black ballcap. The second he spots me his face brightens with excitement and he slides out of the booth with open arms. I sprint in his direction not realizing how much I missed him. This is the longest I've gone without seeing any of them since I became their manager.

Once I reach him he embraces me in a tight hug holding me close. His hugs were almost as good as Ryders. When I try to separate from him he holds me closer. "Not yet," he mumbles into my hair. With how difficult his mother is and the passing of his sister Mason has a hard time letting any female close to him. I was the first he did let in after Kelly's death and the last till Skylar. 

Tray and Skylar share a special bound, but so do Mason and I. As of late I've been neglecting him for Ryder. Other than Lucan I'm the only one he really leans on and confides in. Out of all the rockers I believe Mason is the most broken and lost. Yes they all have their own demons they are facing, but Mason seems to have it worse. And because of his past he has always had a special place in my heart.

"Hey Mason," I say patting him on the back. 

"I've missed you Aubree," Mason tells me releasing me and kissing my forehead.

"Me too. I'm sorry I should of reached out sooner." I state sliding into the booth with him across from me.

Mason shrugs his shoulders and plays off my comment as though it was not big deal. So is the Mason way. He tends to put on a front all is well, but inside he's anything but. "No big deal. You've had your own shit to deal with." 

The real Mason is very different from the one he pretends to be in the public and around the guys. He's more quite and reserved when he's not around the others. Mason acts the act when he has to. Throwing himself upon women after women or acting like Tray with the comments. Whenever someone mentions going out he is one of the first out the doors, but he'd rather stay home and play video games. All part of the act. 

From what I can gather the newer Mason happened after his sister died and all the crap with Ryder's dad. He used to be the carefree person he now pretends to be. Mason and Kelly were extremely close. Hell all the guys were close to her. They all thought out of her as their younger sister. She was basically the only female in the group and all of them feel as though they failed her, but none feel as guilty as Mason. 

I fear he is going to carry this burden around the rest of his life. Many years have passed and you can still see the sorrow in his eyes if you look deep enough. He forgets when all of this happened he was young and living up life. From what I can gather about Kelly she would never blame any of them for not realizing what was happening to her. She had a heart of gold and cared deeply for the guys. 

I fidget with the menu needing something to do with my hands. "Maybe so, but I still could have texted you. You all were hurting too. And I never got to say goodbye to any of you."

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