Chapter 34

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My body freezes and won't get out of the car. Too many thoughts are running through my head and my heart is yelling don't listen to any of them. One thought keeps trying to push the others away. Ryder is not Adam. He has done nothing to show me he plans on throwing me away like trash. Ryder is not Adam. He has done nothing, but continue to fight for our relationship. Ryder is not Adam. They may both be in the same profession, but it doesn't mean they will treat me the same. Ryder is not Adam. Ryder loves me. He tells me and shows me everyday.

I call him needing to hear the words. The phone rings a couple of time before he answers laughing.

"Hey Sweetheart. And before you yell we are going to be late I promise we were just about to walk out the door." I hear some muffling and Ryder yelling away from the phone fuck off. 

"I love you," I rasp.

"Love you too," he pauses for a moment. "What's wrong?" His voices lowers.

"I... I...called Mr. Gear," I stutter. Aubree relax this is Ryder you are talking with.

"Take the phone call went as well as expected," he states in frustration. 

I drum my fingers on the steering wheel. "At first he called me unprofessional." Ryder goes to interrupt me, but I cut him off needing to say everything first before he starts to deny Mr. Gears words. "Then he went on to say he's disappointed in me. Lastly he talked about how you are a rock star and in the end will end up dumping me because why would you want a two when you can have an eleven."

Ryder's breathing on the other end becomes heavy as though he is trying to control his temper. "Ryder," I ask hesitantly not wanting to cause him to lose control.

"Give me a minute," he snaps causing me to recoil. "Please Sweetheart," he says more gently. After a few more seconds his breathing returns to normal. "I'm not angry with you. Please understand that. Who the fuck does he think he is calling you a fucking two or saying I'm going to break up with you? Sweetheart please tell me you don't believe his fucking lies?"

"Well..." I say trailing off. I may not be a two, but I also know I'm not an eleven and Mr. Gear isn't wrong in saying Ryder could get an eleven.

"Sweetheart you are more then an eleven." Shit I said my thoughts out loud. "And even if you weren't I fell in love with who you are. Yes Mr. Gear is right I can get just about any female I want, but I don't want them I want you. I've worked hard to be able to call you mine and I'm not about to fuck up what we have."

"I love you," I say because I don't know what else to say. 

"Love you too. Now go head into the restaurant and make sure everything is up to your standards. We are all about to jump into our cars and head over. See you soon."

We hang up the phone. I feel better after my talk with Ryder. After collecting my composer I follow Ryder's directions and head into the restaurant. The hostess meets me with a smile and walks me to the back room I had reserved. This meeting needs to take place away from curious eyes and ears.

There is table set up which is composed of three table pushed together with windows running he length of the back wall. Currently all the blinds are closed offering us privacy from the outside world, which was what I wanted. I don't mind this lunch ending up in the paper as long as both band behave, but heaven forbid something ugly happens. The table has five seats running the length with two chairs on the end. Perfect for one band to sit on one side and the other to sit on the other side. I only hope this goes well Steel Wolf can be difficult for other bands to work with. They are such a close-knit family and don't always welcome other with opened arms.     

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