Authors Final Note

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Can't believe another Steel Wolf novel done! A huge thank you to every one who stuck with me even in long spans of time I wasn't writing. Hope I set the next book up in away that has you curious to see what the hell is going on. The next book will start either right before Ryder goes into rehab or right after he went in. I'm still working out the bugs. 

Funny enough this was not at the original ending I had mapped out. The first one had the book ending with them all at The Hideout with Ryder never overdosing. But this was the direction the characters guided me in and since they have never sent me in the wrong direction I followed. I have to say I'm more pleased with what they had in mind than I did.

I really hope you enjoyed book two of the Steel Wolf Collection. Sadly it is going to be a bit before I start posting chapters of book three. I need to finish Dimitri's POV and be close to finishing Ryder's POV. I'm hoping with me only having to concentrate on one project at the a time I'll have Ryder down in 2 months 3 at the most with all the holidays coming up. 

If the mood strikes I am going to write chapters to the new one, but I won't post any till I'm ready to be fully committed to Lucan's story. So when I start posting the new book good chance more then one chapter will go up the first day. I'm going to post the next book. Please feel free to add it to your library so you know when I start posting. 

Bye for now! And thank you again for reading my story!!!!!!! Couldn't do this without you!    

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