Chapter 42

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Nothing else occurred for the duration of the ride to the first venue. This was largely due to the fact, other than Dimitri and Skylar, the others remained on my bus. Not that I minded them being there, but their presence prevented Ryder and myself from having a much needed conversation. He was playing the doting boyfriend, but something was off with him. He too wanted a moment for us to be able to talk . 

I thought we might of had the opportunity to speak when the we stopped for lunch, but the guys decided to send the driver to pick up food instead. They claimed if they were to run into Adam so soon after this mornings fight they could not promise me they wouldn't beat the shit out of him. If the beat Adam up he would have no problem pressing charges against Steel Wolf and having a tour missing the main attraction would not go over well. So, even though I wanted them gone for some time alone with Ryder the better option was to allow them to stay on the bus. But once we reached the venue and had dinner they will be putting on their big boy pants and sleeping on their own bus. 

I make a note in my phone to ask Frank if he would be willing to stay the night on the bus. He could sleep in what was supposed to be Ryder's bed. Someone who could remain calm was needed to be their to help keep the peace when I wasn't able to be around. Not to mention Frank would be able to take change and keep them from fighting.

The busses pull into the venue the guys will be playing at tomorrow. I could have booked a hotel for the night, but I wasn't sure what time we would actually leave Nashville and the guys liked having the fist night of the tour on the bus. Since Adam was on their bus they were probably rethinking this plan, but we were already committed and trying to book a hotel this late in the evening was never easy. 

  "Any idea what you want to do for dinner," I ask them and get a chorus of nos. "Can you ever make my life easy," I groan scrolling through my phone at restaurant choices. Ryder slides in next to me at the table and places his arm over my shoulders.

"Is everyone going to be joining us or just the band?" Ryder questions me with a raised brow. The others sit on the edge of their seat awaiting my answer. Time to rip the band-aid off.

I close my eyes and rub my forehead. "As much as this answer pains me everyone will be joining us for dinner." The guys groan their displeasure over my answer. "We have to be a united front and show the label peace can be kept."

"Do we have to," Mason wines resting his chin on the table. 

Tray sits back and crosses his arms. "Wicked Minion sure. Their doucheness is more of a cover then anything. When Mason and I hung out with them they toned down the attitudes and were actually pretty cool." Tray adamantly shakes his head no. "But Adam. Not going to be able to make it though a dinner with that tool."

Lucan stands next to where we were sitting. "We don't have much of a choice," he reminds us all.

At this point Dimitri and Skylar rejoin the group both wearing shit eating grins. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what those two were up to. Lucky bitch. Ryder and I weren't able to talk privately let alone sneak away from some fun. A yawn sneaks past my lips reminding me I was never able to nap. So much for fun or talking after dinner because I will need to need to head straight to be when we get back since I need to be up before the guys to make sure everything is set. Plus experience has taught me I get more work done when they aren't on set.

"Don't have much choice of what," Dimitri asks snagging the seat on the end and placing Skylar on his lap.

"Adam joining us for dinner." Lucan tells him. Dimitri grits his teeth and tightens his hold on Skylar.

Dimitri glances at Skylar and kisses the side of her head. "We could always do dinner on our own," he presses her with hope in his eyes.

Skylar gives him a pointed look. "And leave Aubree on her own with the others to reign in by herself. I think not. The guy is an ass no doubt about that, but I don't see him trying anything out in public. He is trying to restart his career and..."she pauses giving each of the guys a glare. "Do not. I repeat do not let this go to your heads. Your egos are already struggling to fit through doors." I laugh over Skylar's words and the guys look on pretending shock. 

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