Chapter 47

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Once Steel Wolf takes the stage the screaming of the crowd makes having a conversation more difficult, but somehow, I manage to explain to Wicked Minion what would happen after the show. They were given the option to either join us listening to Steel Wolf or they could head back to their dressing room for some rest and relaxation. Only Logan decided to stay and listen while the others headed back to the dressing room. But eventually he too grows restless and heads out.

In what felt like a blink of an eye Dimitri was saying goodbye to the crowd for a final time, they had already played their encore songs. What the public doesn't know is we schedule in time for the encore and so an encore isn't really an encore. But the fans are still happy and at the end of the day they are the ones who pay our all of our salaries. Without them none of this would be possible.

Now for my least favorite part of the concert. The meets and greats. I send Frank a text asking if he can round up Adam and bring him to the designated room. Usually the fans would only be meeting with Steel Wolf, but we were doing something different on this tour. I wanted Wicked Minion involved to help grow their fan base, but as for Adam I figure better to invite him to help keep the peace.

Frank texts be back explaining Adam is already on the bus and has no desire to meet with the fans. His loss. He is the one who wants to restart his music career and this was not the way to make his wish come true, but since at the end of the day I don't care what happens with his career I don't have Frank push the matter. Instead I send him a thank you and tell him to continue on as normal. Plus not having Adam there would put the other bands at ease.

"Adam not joining," Skylar asks standing from her seat and pulling her shirt back down.

"Nope. How can you tell?"

"By the smile on your face." She picks up her tablet and starts to go though the list of those being allowed back stage. "Want me to go get Wicked Minion?" She asks slipping into work mode.

For a second, I ponder my next actions. Since Ryder and I seem on the mend I feel comfortable enough dealing with them and their after concert jitters. "Sounds like plan. Do you remember where to take them?"

She nods her head. "Sure do boss. Also while I'm heading to their room I'll make sure security is screening everyone correctly. Don't need anyone extra sneaking in. The faster we get through this the fast we can get on the road." Skylar too hates these after concert events. She has gotten better at watching women throw themselves at Dimitri, but still not a favorite hobby of hers. Dimitri tries his hardest to side step the desperate women and pay attention to those who are there because they are fans and not because they want to get laid.

"Perfect," I thank her. She dashes down the hall to do my bidding while I sit there twiddling my thumbs waiting for the guys.

Dimitri is the first to join be and he continuously glances around. "Sorry lover boy," I tell him, "she had to leave to go to work."

Dimitri's eyes loose a little bit of their shine. "Aubree in the future can you please wait to send her away till after I get to see her?"

His request wouldn't be hard to follow, but once he sees her getting him to let her go might me next to impossible. "Sorry Dimitri no can do." I pat his cheek. "She has new reasonability's this tour and you need to learn to deal with them."

"We could hire someone to take on those," he mutters under his breath.

I roll my eyes and chuckle to myself. "Dimitri you would then be putting Skylar out of a job."

Tray joins us glancing between Dimitri and me. "What's got him looking so blue?"

"Three guesses and the first two don't count." At Tray's raised brow I throw him a bone. "Who's missing?"

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