Chapter 37

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I was putting out some last minute fires on the eve before the start of the tour. Ryder was home finishing up his packing. Of course mine was already completed and waiting at my door. He had left early this morning and I haven't heard from him since. Normally, he would have sent me a few text by now and I could reach out, but I didn't want to bother him.

Ryder has yet to bring up the night he read the letter and with each passing day he pulls further away from me. Hopefully once he's on the bus the guys will be able to get something out of him. Since he doesn't seem to want to talk to me. At the same time I've been to afraid to bring the issue up in a conversation he already feels distant I don't want to push him more. The whole situation is beyond tricky. I bet the guys don't even know about the letter. Ryder isn't one to blab about his problems. He tends to keep his cards close to his chest, but he use to be open with me till recently.  

A few times I caught the whiff of cigarette smoke on him, but whenever I pointed the smell out he would claim he passed people who were smoking. But I could tell he was lying. What worries me is if he can so easily like to me about smoking what else could be be lying about. Also once the cigarettes are no longer enough will he stay strong or will he tumble down the hole again. And if this is behavior due to a letter stating his dad might get out how will he be if his father is able to be released from jail. If Paul is released Ryder won't be the only rocker I will have to worry about. All of them are going to take the news in their own way, but after Ryder I worry about Mason the most. 

I wish he would talk to me and let me in. Being stuck on the outside looking in is killing me and I can only imagine how he is feeling. This worry over his is slightly starting to effect my job which Mr. Gear was more than happy to point out when I dropped the ball on a few of the tour details. For the most part the tour is set, but I always leave a little wiggle room in case something was to happen. In this case my screw up could have been a big one.

 During the last tour is when I started to finalize this one. Madison was put in charge of securing the busses would be ready to go, but of course she only half assed everything. The buses are always deep cleaned after a tour and put thorough a maintenance check. She set up the deep cleaning, but not the maintenance check. Of course when I remembered to double check we were only a few days out from the tour. After some wheeling and dealing they took the busses in and naturally the busses had a few issues. I was shitting bricks till this morning when they called to tell me they were able to complete all the repairs.     

 We leave bright and early tomorrow for our first destination Little Rock, Arkansas then off to New Orleans, Louisiana, where we will be staying an extra day. I had added the day off into the schedule because of how much we love spending the day in New Orleans. This concert is always one of my favorites because I love the city and the venue. The venue is actually one of the first the guys played at when they were first starting out and they continue to play there every chance they get. The location isn't huge, but they enjoy the intimate concerts more than the others.

I hit a few more keys on my computer sending out a reply to one of the hotels we were scheduled to stay at. The desire to have a glass of wine hits me hard, but one glace at the clock tells me still too soon. For the hundredth time I check my phone and see no text from Ryder. 

After finishing up a few more emails I decide to call it a day and shut down my computer. Hopefully won't be needing it till tomorrow or better yet not at all. The guys already have their itinerates thanks to the new application we are going to be using during the tour. And I've already tripled checked everything is set for the first two concerts. I've learned over the years don't try to check to soon in advance because when you do you think everything is set so you place the worry from you mind. Then when the day comes you find the plans are not as set as you were lead to believe. So I usually only confirm no more than three concerts out depending on the time frame. This way everything is fresh and I don't forget something.

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