Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to Cyra2Cyra. Thank you for the support.

He sits their stunned for a moment not moving to the point I was fearful the shock of my confession killed him. I look closely at his chest and see that it was still steadily moving up and down. So at least he was still breathing and not dead. The shock he was having wasn't surprising to me, but his lack of reaction was. HIs eyes took on a glaze look almost like he was physically in the room, but mentally he was lightyears away. 

I wish he would say something. Anything at this point would be better then the silence filling the room. My nerves start to get the best of my and my legs become so wobbly I needed a chair to sit down in. I concerned taking a seat next to him on the bed, but I figured he could use some distance from me so I started to make my way to the chair across the room. Before I was far from the bed an arm reaches out and drags me to the bed, but he doesn't stop even when my knees bump into him. 

Instead he keeps tugging me till he falls backward on the bed and I'm sprawled out across him with my boobs pressing into his ungiving chest. He brushes my hair from my face and runs his hands up and down my back.

 His gravely voice puts an end to the silence. "You can't say that to me unless you really mean it."

I stare directly into his eyes. "I do mean it. With every beat of my heart. I love you."

A huge smile graces his lips and he says, "I never thought the day would come when you would admit it out loud. I love you too sweetheart." Then he kisses me. We get lost in each other, but the nagging need to still lay down boundaries pushes at me.

I place my hand on his chest and press myself up and away from him. He wraps his arms around me prohibiting me from moving far.

He brushes the hair from my face and staring at my lips asks, "what now?" When I go to speak he kisses me again cutting me off. "Can't we make out now and talk later?" Which means the talk will never come or will come much later than I want.

With much difficulty I wiggle my way out of his arms and to the side of the bed, but when we tries to reach for me to drag me back in I stand crossing my arms. "No. Talk now sex later." As much as I want to lay around in bed all day with him my anxiety presses wanting to define what we are and how we are going to go about this.

"Aubree come on," he groans hiding under a pillow. "For once can't you let go and just enjoy the moment without over analyzing every little thing."

I glare down at him and wait for Ryder to uncover himself from under the pillow. He peeks one eye out at me to gage my demeanor and when he finds me unwavering he tosses the pillow to the side in a huff.

"Fine," he mutters sitting up with his back against the headboard and crossing his arms. "So talk." Someone is not in as good as a mood as I thought he would be after my declaration. My eye wander to a protruding part of his body and the lightbulb goes off.

I stare at him a moment longer before speaking what was on my mind. "I don't want to make a big deal of this." His eyes narrow at my statement. I try to back peddle a little. "What I mean is we don't need to make a big todo with the press."

He sits up more and turns his head slightly to the side. "Aren't you the one who always tells us we need to be ahead of the story and not behind it. Wouldn't this contradict everything you've ever said about getting into relationships?"

I bite my bottom lip. Damn him for throwing my words back at me. Guess he really was listening when I was talking. "True," I say and his shifts his head forward as thought to say that's what I thought. "But," I add holding up one hand, "that was because all those floozies you guys were with were not discreet or classy," I mutter the last part more to myself.

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