Chapter 30

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So I was feeling creative and made a book trailer for My Best Friend the Rockstar. If you feel so inclined give it a watch. Just warning there is sound. The link is above! Enjoy! 

The warmth of his breath against my neck has me freezing and goosebumps traveling down my body. He places a kiss on my naked shoulder and some of the tension leaves my body. Why was Ryder here? How as Ryder here? I go to roll over so I could look at him, but a hand on my back stops me.

"I believe rolling would be inappropriate," he teases, "I am after all a professional." He returns to massaging my shoulders, but this time he is using oil. The oil warms against my skin with each stroke of his hand. 

Professional pain in my ass maybe. I bite my lip fighting back at laugh over my joke. "Can I ask one question of the self proclaimed professional masseuse?"

"Mmhmm," he agrees.

"How? Why?" My body turns into a puddle of goo when his hands roam lower down my back. He might not be trained, but he seems to know what he is doing.

"Thought you could count Sweetheart, but you asked me two questions not one." His hands continue to kneed the tension from my body and a moan slips out. "Right there is why I'm here. The guys and I talked yesterday and none of us relished in the fact of someone putting their hands on our women." Such cavemen as Skylar calls Dimitri. "So after you charged Dimitri's card he discovered where you were going and made a call. With some extra money they were more then happy to accommodate his request."

Earlier makes sense now when the lady who checked us in was reading the notes on the computer and she brushed off one of them. This had to be what was in the computer. The sneaky bastards.

"Now," he commands in a firm voice, "stop talking and let me do my job ma'am." I can feel his bare chest brush against my back. "If are so inclined I'll be more than happy to accept a different kind of tip for payment at the end of our session."

I snuggle down into the massaging table and do exactly what he ask, I stop talking. He continues to massage my back and shoulders, but when each touch of his hand my sex tightens with excitement. Within the first ten minutes I'm ready to call an end to this game and spread my legs for him. But I hold back grasping onto what little self-control I have around this man and let him continue to have his fun.

Ever now again his manhood would brush against my body through his jeans and by the bulge I feel each time he too isn't immune. This makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one fighting back my sexual desire. Even though my sex is coiled like a tight spring my other muscles relax under each movement of his hands. This man not only has a roadmap to my body, but he knows how to read it.  

His hands begin to drift lower till they reach the top of the blanket I was using to cover my ass. He pauses for a moment before pulling the blanket down exposing my underwear. 

"This will not do," he scoffs. He proceeds to remove my last remain article of clothing. 

"Thought you were the professional," I sass, "this is not at all professional. I demand to speak with your manager."

He slaps my ass earning a yelp from me. "So sorry, but he's on vacation indefinitely." 

A snarking comeback bubbles up inside of me, but he leaves me no chance to respond because the second he begins to kneed my ass all thoughts fly out of my head. Ryder continues on with his massage and I continue to melt into the table. 

If for some reason Steel Wolf ever folded he could get a job doing this. He would make a killing off of female clientele. Yet the thought of him rubbing his hands over another women's back has me seeing red. Now I understand how Ryder must have felt thinking about another male touching me. 

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