Chapter 21

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The phone slides out of my hands falling into my lap I try to will me muscles to move, but they remain frozen in place. All the emotions from the last phone call I received telling me to go to the hospital  come flooding back. At least with that call I was able to clearly hear Skylar was the one being brought in. This time I have no clue. Could be anyone of them. 

My heart races and my breathing becomes labored. I can hear Ryder speaking to me, but he sounds all muffled because I can't hear him over the rushing sound of blood in my ears. He continues to try and center me. Finally he breaks through when his hand touches my cheek. I snap back to reality, but my mind is still slightly foggy.

I blink my eyes and focus my gaze on him. "There she is," he says soothingly. "I was getting worried that I would need to check you in the hospital." I take a steadying breath and slow my pounding heart. I won't do anyone any good if I fall apart. They need me to be the strong focused manager Aubree. Not the anxiety riddled Aubree. 

"We need to get dressed and go." I tell him not at all sounding like myself.

"What is going on," Ryder asks and this time I don't have a voice in my ear so I can answer him.

"A nurse called from Silver Cross, but when he went to say the name the call cut out and he had to go. So I don't know which of the guys are in the hospital." I say all in a rush tripping over my own words. I jump out of bed and gather my clothes from yesterday that were thrown about the room. Glancing over my shoulder I discover Ryder texting away on his phone. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be joining me in getting dressed?"

Without glancing away from his phone he answers me, "in a minute. I was sending out a quick group text to everyone." When he finishes he rolls out of bed and starts to get dressed. The second his phone beeps with an incoming text he leaps for his phone and checks. As he is responding he says, "we can narrow the list by two. Dimitri returned my text. He's going to wait till we get there and figure out what is going on before him and Skylar come up."

I'm glad Skylar isn't back in the hospital. She has had enough medical issues these past few months. Plus I'm pretty sure Dimitri would lose whatever was left of his sanity if something was wrong with Skylar. The remainder of the time spent getting ready Ryder's phone never goes off causing me to consider something happened with the other three while they were out. 

We finish getting pulled together and head out the door. I  sling my laptop bag strap over my shoulder while we walk down the hall. When we get off the elevator I force Ryder to wait off to the side while I approach the front desk to acquire the keys the car rental company had dropped off earlier. Not wanting him to be recognized is the excuse running through my head, but honestly I didn't want another run in with Lucy. My worry was for nothing because an older lady was working the desk.

She hands me the keys tagged with my name then Ryder and myself leave the lobby without any mishaps. Since I had no clue where they left the car or what kind it was I hit the alarm button on the car listening for which direction we need to travel in. 

As luck would have it a car practically directly in front of us alarm starts to sound. Quickly I shut the alarm off not wanting to draw any extra attention to us. I have a feeling with whatever is waiting at the hospital the press knows we are here. I also don't need them figuring out which hotel the guys are staying. This incident may force my hands to send the guys back home to allow Dimitri and Skylar peace to complete packing her. 

I try to stop my brain from going out in so many what if directions. This inability is always one of my down falls. I really need to consciously remove myself from the situation and approach without feelings. The guys always complain about how removed and rigid I can be when dealing with situations, but what they don't understand is I have to be. That my actions are actually a cooping mechanism to be able to deal with what is sent my way because if I don't my anxiety will run the show. Since I can't allow that to happen I go hard in the opposite direction. 

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