Chapter 55

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The alarm on my phone goes off, but when I go to reach for Ryder the sheets are cool to the touch. I spring up in bed wondering if maybe he is in the bathroom, but the stillness in the air reminds me I'm alone and the previous nights events flood my mind.

My breath catches in my throat while my mind forces me to re watch the scene that caused me to be waking up alone. We have both made mistakes in the past, but never something as painful as this. The cracks in my heart break all the way through and all I want to do is lay in bed all day. The phone chooses to chime again reminding me I can't wallow in my self pity. A concert needs to happen and hiding isn't an option.

Rolling over I snatch my phone and once again my message center is filled with text messages and missed phone calls, most are of course from Ryder. I groan not ready to face everyone. I clear the message center not ready to read or listen to my messages at the moment, but maybe later I will want to. 

Not wanting Skylar to come banging on my door, forgetting no one other than Adam knows my new room and he will more than likely keep that information to himself, I send her a text saying to meet me in the lobby in about an hours. Her text comes back quickly stating she will be there and then a second one comes asking if I'm okay.

Not ready to answer her question I ignore her text. I want to say I'm okay, to give off the vibe I can stand alone, and this hasn't bothered me as much as it has. That Ryder's actions haven't left me broken, but in truth they have done so and more. But admitting I'm not okay out loud makes it all so much more real.

Trudging to the bathroom I debate if I want to take another shower or not. Deciding against wasting the water I pull my blonde hair into a tight bun at the base of my neck, making sure not a single strand is out of place. I'm going to need all my armor in place to make it through the day.

Next I pull out some high waster black dress pants and a short sleeved white button collard shirt. Manager Aubree is who is going to be exiting out of this hotel room and not broken heart Aubree. Focusing on the task at hand will allow me a few hours to escape from all of this. After I can have another crying session.

Returning to the bathroom I put on the lightest amount of make up because past practice has taught me I will only sweat it all off. When I can stall no longer I exit the bathroom and take one more glance at myself. The women standing before me is all business. A strange seeing her on the street would never guess under all her armor is a broken women.

Checking the clock to see I still have thirty minutes before I need to meet with Skylar. I glance around the room and grab my bag deciding going to the coffee house in the hotel is better than sitting in this depressing hotel room.

Quietly I shut my door and make my way down the hall thankful I didn't run into anyone. The elevator smoothly glides down to the lobby and when the door opens I step out. Very few people are out and about at this early hour. I must be the only crazy one to be up way earlier than was needed. 

I'm only stopped once with a question about the lightening. I explained to the guys what I wanted and they promised to make it happen. Before they walked away I added if they couldn't get my plan to work I trusted them to make the right decisions with out conversing with me. The walked away with bright smiles happy to have my trust.

The smell of coffee tickles my nose making me feel slightly better. No matter how shitty of a morning I may be having hell even a night coffee always makes me feel better. Coffee addiction is a real thing and I've happily fallen down that rabbit hole and would do so over and over again. 

Only one person is standing in my way of reaching my destination and if he doesn't hurry up I'm going to start the zombie apocalypse and it will serve him right for getting between a girl and her coffee. They are too busy messing on their phone to pay me any mind, but I'm about to grab the phone and smash it into tiny pieces if he doesn't get this show on the road. Finally he places his order and steps to the side allowing me a better view of his face. Of all the people who could be standing in front of me it has to be Adam.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now