Chapter 50

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Since the concert venue is smaller than where the guys normally play the crew doesn't have too much to unload. Mostly all they drag out is the guy's instruments. Nothing fancy at the place.

This was one of the venues the guys played at on their first tour. Since Steel Wolf's following wasn't anywhere near as vast as today I was creative in the spaces I picked for the first tour. I didn't want too large of locations where a good portion of the seat would be empty, no reason to lower the guys self-esteem before they even started. Also with the smaller location the guys was able to make a more personal connection with the fans.

As the tour chugged along the size of the venues gradually grew. All part of my master plan. Which worked better then I thought because by the time we were three fourths of the way through the tour I had to add extra concerts in some of the cities. I hated turning away fans due to sold out shows since the goal was to grow the fan base so to help the tour got extended and more concerts added.

Today the guys play at the bigger venues, but there are a few smaller ones here and there they like to play at. Most come from the first tour. Like the venue we are at now. They say playing at those places helps to remind them of where they started and to prevent their egos from growing. Think they are little to late for stunting their egos.

Personally I love the smaller venues. Always feel less stressful with set up and take down. They also tend to have wonderful people running them who have no problem pitching in to lend a helping hand. I also never have anywhere the number of problems at these places then I do the bigger venues.

The Squawking Raven in New Orleans was a bar, restaurant and music venue. The guys were playing tomorrow night, but I always throw extra money for them to close the night before so the guys and crew could enjoy a night of fun away from the public. This way set up was also a little easier the crew could take their time without having to rush. Usually we would hit New Orleans a little later in the tour, but sadly we weren't able to.

Currently I was watching the clock because we only had so long we are legally able to block the street. The crew was cutting the time slot awfully close. The tour busses were already safely parked at the hotel parking lot now they other trucks needed to join them. The down side of preforming in an actual city.

Skylar was inside making sure everything in there was running smoothly. Adam decided to head back to the hotel and not a soul stopped him. For all his talk about fighting for me back he seems to disappear a lot. For which I'm grateful one less issue on my plate to deal with, but also makes me wonder what is he up too. As for the guys and Wicked Minion they were at the bar throwing back a few drinks. Lucky assholes.

Hopefully they don't get too drunk we've barely hit lunch time. Can only image what kind of trouble nine drunken rock stars can get into. I thought keeping five in line now I have nine I have to keep tract of. Shit. Las Vegas is on this tour. The last time we went to Las Vegas Tray and Mason went missing for an entire day. Years later and they still claim they don't remember much.

At least I won't be baby sitting alone. Skylar and Frank are going to more than earn their keep the few days we are there. Hell I should take Frank up on his offer to hire his nephew. The guys we could more than manage, but Wicked Minion is a wild card. So far they have been behaving, but I am not about to let my guard down with them.

Finally the trucks are being moved with only five minutes to spare. I remind everyone to meet back here around five for dinner and drinks. My preplanning has all of us staying at a hotel within walking distance of the venue. This was done on purpose. We are also within walking distance of the French Quarter.

Today we party, tomorrow we nurse a hang over and work and the day after we enjoy the day off then the next our asses are back on the bus heading to Corpus Christy Texas. Where I have a surprise for Skylar. Thankfully this tour isn't as back to back as the last one.

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