Chapter 21

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Olivia POV

I watched as the boat came closer to us. The closer it got the more uneasy I felt, the boat was black and had a large gun on was pointed at us. Kane pulled me closer to him and moved so he was between me and the boat. "Its a combat boat, this isn't good." Kane said moving me further away. He looked at me, "If I told you to jump in the water and swim away would you do it?" I tightened my grip on him.

"You know I won't." He looked back at the boat as it pulled up beside the wing. Three men with assault rifles stood there, in what looked similar to military gear. Two of the men had dark hair and the other had blonde hair, all the same cut. Kane growled and pushed me further behind him. 

"Stay behind me." He ordered, I looked at the men as a fourth appeared. 

"Who are you?" He asked, watching Kane carefully. He had a buzz cut, he seemed to have dark hair. 

"Kane and this is my mate. Mind putting the guns down?" He stood there and glanced at me. 

"Yes, I asked who you are. That means full names. I could easily leave you here to die or if Im feeling generous I'll just kill you both instead. Now, who are you." Kane growled and I looked at the men. Something flashed gold and I looked at it. I could see on one of the men's arms a golden symbol. It was the symbol for Leo in a circle. Why would they have a symbol for a lion on them. Then I remembered what the prince said on the balcony before he left. 'Lions and wolves are a strange pair, aren't they?' I got closer to Kane's ear. 

"Tell them, do what they ask." He looked back at me. "Trust me." He looked back at the men. 

"My name is Kane Blackwolf, this is my mate Olivia Blackwolf." The guy looked at us. 

"Blackwolf." He nodded and the men partly lowered their weapons. "Alright, come aboard." Kane stood and helped me stand up and we went to the edge. One of the guys pointed their weapon at us and Kane growled putting me behind him again. "The female comes on first, we need to make sure both of you aren't armed." The other men didn't talk, they were just watching us with their fingers on the trigger. 

"I'm pretty sure she isn't armed." Kane said through gritted teeth. The man looked down at us. 

"Either do it our way or I'll leave you here." I put my hand on Kane's shoulder, but he didn't look at me. 

"Kane, It'll be alright." He didn't move or relax at all. I moved around him and to the edge. The man held out his hand and I took it. He pulled me up easily and onto the boat. The man that was pointing a gun at Kane didn't move and the man with the blonde hair pointed his gun at me. The only one man that was speaking spoke again, "Hands on the wall, feet apart." He said motioning to the wall behind me. I looked at him and then at the man pointing the gun at me. 

"Do you really think I have a weapon on me, I don't even have pants on." I said turning around and walked to the wall. 

"You'd be surprise what and where people hide things. Hands on the wall." I sighed and put my hands on the wall. He started at my ankles and skimmed up both legs. He checked me pretty thoroughly even though I didn't have pant, socks, or shoes. When I say checking thoroughly I mean it. He didn't leave anything unchecked. "Okay, you're clean." The man lowered his gun slightly as I turned around. "Sorry about that, but its protocol." He motioned for me to sit on the seat by the edge. I sat as he went back to the edge and helped Kane up. Thank goddess Kane wasn't on the boat when they were checking me for weapons or he would of attacked someone. Kane was told to do the same thing I was told and was checked as well. He then motioned to the door that lead below. Kane went down and he looked at me.

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