The Real Library

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Madeline's Pov.

McGonagall had on her blindfold still. I sat her down. I pulled out a knife, turned on the oven, chopped up some carrots, and pushed them into a large pot so my knife made a scraping sound. After a few minutes, I pulled the big spoon thingy out and poured a bowl of my special soup. I heard shuffling and shook my head. I walked over to the counter/table thing. I pulled McGonagall's handkerchief off and knew she saw my excited emeralds.

"Here," I said, pushing the bowl toward her.

She eyed it with a funny expression. Then, she took a bite. "Oh my.... This is incredible."

"Thank you." I smiled and leaned back. Then, in a raised tone, I said, "I made more if anyone wants any."

Elise was the first to give up which didn't surprise me. Then came Pomfrey, then Dumbledore, then finally Snape.

I gave a small smirk. Before walking over to the cabinet. I pulled out three bowls and poured some soup in. I put them in the table.

Elise took a bowl and sat down on the end. I heard fluttering and knew what was going on. "Incoming," Elise announced.

"I am well aware," I replied. I walked down the hall to my room and pushed open my bedroom slider window. The Weasley owl was on its way. It was coming straight for the closed side so I pulled the window the opposite way. I went to my bed and grabbed a pillow; I did the calculations and set the pillow where the bird was going to land. He did. I picked him up, took him to my bird stand, and helped him get a good grip on it. There was a letter tied to his leg.

Sadly, we had to wait this long in order to send an owl. We have a new prank and it is for Snape...'

The letter went on about a new prank from the twins. I shook my head with a smile. I went to my desk and pulled my quills and a piece of paper.

'Dear my boys,

I understand why you could not send an owl and am ok with it. The prank on Snape is hilarious and I shall be able to prepare a potion for it to be 100% accurate. Please try to make the prank a bit more sturdy so Snape doesn't catch you afterwards whether he knows you did it or not, he won't have the proof.

Stay red,


Postscript: How is Ginny? Tell her I said greetings and salutations.'

I walked over to the bird and tied it to his leg. I let him get on my arm. When at the window, I whispered in his ear and sent him on his way. The letter. I had to make sure Snape didn't find out about the prank. I picked it up just in time to hear Snape.

"What is that?" he asked.

I turned around to see them all in the doorway and Snape narrowing his eyes at the letter. I looked down to see myself already tearing it into 4 pieces. "Oh, nothing. Nothing," I claimed. Technically it was true; the boys said should Snape ask, I was too say nothing since I don't like lying. There was a candle and I lit 2 pieces. Right when the flame was about to touch my fingers, I stopped the paper which incinerated before it touched the yellow and black carpet. I went into the living room and threw the other 2 papers into the fireplace. It wasn't even lit so I snapped towards it and a fire grew. I turned to see the professors eyeing me. We stood there and I looked around, shifting from my heels to my toes.

I sat down on the couch crisscross apple sauce (that's right. I said it) on the couch. Right then, the other professors decided to Apparate in. I fell off the couch - because someone is bad at Apparating and made a new professor fall on the couch - and at Madame Hooch's feet.

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