Magical Dreams or Magic And Dreams?

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Madeline looked at McGonagall. "A witch? Like flys on a broomstick? Casts hexes? Fictional?" she reeled with a small smile.

Her smile faded as fast as it came because in her mind, Madeline could imagine Sebastian:

"You forgot the warts. How could you forget the warts?" he would demand.
Madeline would playfully smack him upside the head. "Not everything is a clichè!"

"-eline. Madeline!" McGonagall shouted. She was sitting on the bed in front of the younger girl, hands on her shoulders.

Madeline shook her thoughts away and focused on McGonagall. She realized she had been clutching her necklace as she had when she experienced the earlier pain. The moment Madeline looked at her, McGonagall let her arms drop.

"Are you alright?" she wondered searching who she believed to be her daughter's expressionless face for a clue of what had occurred.

Madeline nodded. "Yeah, I just... remembered something."

"You looked like you were in pain," McGonagall stubbornly insisted. Madeline shook her head; McGonagall raised hers. "Alright. As I was saying: yes. We can fly on brooms. We aren't fictional otherwise you wouldn't be alive. We can cast spells, but they're not rhymes," she explained.

Madeline nodded, her eyes never leaving the older woman. McGonagall gave the young girl a moment to process this new information. Madeline was interested in what McGonagall was saying. But by every second she grew more and more tired.

Madeline stifled a yawn, and, apparently, Madame Pomfrey noticed. "Professor. I believe Madeline needs some more rest," the medi-witch declared.

McGonagall looked at Poppy then back at her daughter. She saw exhaustion etched across her face and nodded. McGonagall rose and went to the door with Dumbledore only to turn and face Poppy. "Might I come back later?" she asked. Poppy nodded and went to her office to unpack the supplies had put in there. ____________________________________________________________________

Minerva's Pov.

I turned and saw Madeline fast asleep again. Dumbledore and myself walked through the halls. I had so many thoughts going through my head, but one main one. I finally had my daughter back, and I was never going to let her go again.

A couple hours later found me in my quarters going through my photographs of Oskar. I had none of Madeline, but planned to start. I decided to go to the medical wing of the castle. When I walked I, Poppy gave me a smile, which I returned, and motioned that it was ok to go and visit her. I walked back and saw Madeline on her side with her two hands folded under her head. A smile appeared on my face at the sight of it. I moved across the room and sat in the chair next to her bed. Watching her, I fell asleep myself.

I woke up to Madeline moving so much. There was a frown placed on her face. Her eyebrows were creased. She was moving about. One thing was for sure: Madeline was having a nightmare.  ____________________________________________________________________

Madeline's Pov.

It turned out I was more tired then I thought. As soon as McGonagall walked away, I laid my head down and instantly I was asleep.

Let me say: when I was really young I had a lot of dreams, but the one I was having just then was my favorite. If anyone woke me up from this one, they'd probably get something thrown at them. They finally learned never to wake me up.

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My adoptive brothers and myself were walking on a dirt road. They were my first family.

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