A Niäve Little Orphan Girl

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Madeline's Pov.

I was in flying class and it was near the Quidditch practice. The Gryffindors and the Slytherins both came out. Madame Hooch was gone for something, but told us to keep practicing. A boy named Neville Longbottom had to repeat this class for he failed his last year.

We were all by our brooms. "Well, someone should start us off," a boy recommended.

I held out my hand. "Up," I commanded with a stern voice. The broom flew right into my hand. We all stared at it in shock. Some people stared at the broom then me. I put mine back down until Madame Hooch came back.

We heard a commotion and followed it. My robe was flowing behind my, I felt (I know it's a weird thing to notice, but I had never worn a robe). We stopped and saw Ronald Weasley shout, "EAT SLUGS!" and get thrown backwards from his own spell. Then he started puking slugs.

They went off to Hagrid's and Madame Hooch came back. "Alright, class! Everyone put you right hand above your broom and say up."

Nobody did anything, except look at me. I did as told and it shot straight up once again. "Now you do it!" I commanded.

Madame Hooch told me I could start flying which I did. It was soooo fun. Like I had always been trapped, but was finally free. My hair had been put in a braid and was folded into a bun (again like the Elsa braid/bun thing). It came down.


Hermione's Pov.

We walked to Hagrid's and he gave Ron a bucket.

"He called Hermione... actually, I don't know what he called her," Harry said.

I stood up and walked to the window. "He called me a mud-blood," I declared of Malfoy.

Hagrid gasped. "He did not," he breathed.

"What's a mud-blood?" Harry asked.

I turned to him. "It means dirty blood. Mud-bloods are really fowl name for someone who is muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation."

Hagrid turned to Harry. "See the 'ing is, 'arry. There are some wizards like the Malfoy family who think their better than everyone else because their what people call pure-blood."

"That's horrible," Harry stated.

"Yes well, not all pure-blood families think their better than everyone else," I said.

"You can name one?" Hagrid asked.

"Madeline Macani."

"If I tell you guys something, can you keep it within us?" Harry asked. We all nodded. "Madeline... Madeline is McGonagall's daughter."

Hagrid gasped. "Who told you?"

"You knew?"

"Yes. You see, we found 'er. 'ell McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Pomfrey found 'er. A man was casting the," he lowered his voice, "torture curse on 'er."

Now it was my turn to gasp.


I walked back to the flying class to watch Madeline. We three agreed to keep an eye on her since McGonagall asked Harry to. When I got there, they were all up in the air. Madeline's braid was flowing behind her, and she was next to Ginny Weasley.

Madame Hooch walked up to me. "What are you doing here, Ms. Granger? I doubt you love flying so much you'd visit during your free period."

"I'm here to look out for Ms. Macani."

"Ah, so you know?"

"Yes. Do all the professors know?"

"Yes... she's quite the flyer." ____________________________________________________________________

Madeline's Pov.

"The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware," I heard Hermione read.

I turned the corner and read it too. Then, I heard whispering; it wasn't from the students, though. Suddenly there was a crowd.

A guy pushed past me and knocked her over. Harry came over and helped me up. "Harry, can you hear it? It's saying 'kill'," I whispered in his ear.

"I know, Madeline. No one else means to be able to hear it," Harry explained.

"I don't like it."

"You'll be next mud-bloods," I heard Goyle say.

"That's extremely rude," I said facing him.

Draco elbowed him. "He didn't mean you. After all, you're the opposite of a mud-blood."

People started accusing Harry. Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Flich rounded the corner.

After a talk, the four of us were sent to our houses. Hermione, Ginny, and I talked for a while once Hermione and myself got back. Ginny was officially my best friend. I finished all my assignments and read an extra chapter in my Intermediate Transfiguration. I went into common room and heard Harry taking about a test in McGonagall's class and how she only told him, but he was telling Ron so he could get ready for it.

I walked back into my room that I shared with Hermione, Ginny, and some other girl. Hermione was reading at the table and say next to her. "McGonagall told Harry. I can't believe she didn't tell you or Ron or even me," I said referring to the test.

"Oh. You finally know?"

"You knew?"

"Yes, but don't get mad. Harry told me. And don't get mad at McGonagall either, she probably meant to tell you. Plus, you shouldn't be rash. After all, McGonagall is your mother."


"You didn't know?"

I stormed out of there and Hermione close on my heels. She stopped when she heard Harry taking about the test. Looks like she figured out what I had been talking about.

My mind was racing; putting things together, taking things out.

I knew McGonagall would be in her office, not her quarters. I was upon McGonagall's office and I practically threw open the door. She looked up from her papers, saw me, and smiled. "Madeline, what are yo-" she began before I interrupted her.

"What was her name?" I demanded.

"I don't think that's anywa-"

"My biological mother! What is her name?"

She sighed. "You know."

I was almost in tears. "Oh my god." I turned away from her. "All this time..."

McGonagall stood up. She stepped around her desk. "Maddie..."

I held up my now shaking hand. "No." Then, I had it so I was only holding up my index finger. "Just... no." I walked to the door.


But I was gone. I didn't want to go to my house. McGonagall might go there. I went to the lake. I sat and the tears began to fall. Why was I so stupid? I actually thought I could get away from all the lies I had had all my life? Lies are everywhere. I was just a niäve little orphan girl.

Eventually I feel asleep out there. And I had a nightmare. So unexpected (SARCASM!).


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