The Key

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No One's Pov.

Minerva woke up and Madeline was still on her chest. She smiled down at the girl. Madeline looked so... peaceful. Which was good considering last night she looked the exact opposite, and she needed some real sleep.

After about 5 minutes of watching her, Minerva decided to get up. She gently lifted Madeline up and set her down on the bed. She stirred in her sleep, but stayed asleep. McGonagall transfigured into her robe. Minerva went to the Grand Hall to eat breakfast and saw Snape, Hagrid, Poppy, and Dumbledore at the table. They seemed to be passing something around.

Hagrid smiled when he saw Minerva. "Didn' know ya would let some'in' like 'is get put on a phota." Poppy shhh-ed him and playfully smacked him on the arm since she couldn't reach his shoulder.

Minerva sat in her seat and held out her hand. Hagrid handed over a photo. It was a picture of Minerva and Madeline and how they had been that morning. Madeline had been on on her chest and Minerva was leaning her head on the younger girl's head. Minerva's eyes widened. "Please tell me there are no copies," she begged.


"Good." Minerva put the picture in her robe pocket.

"Minerva," Poppy whined, "you're taking the fun out of it. Your probably going to burn the picture."

"I am not. This is going to be my first picture of Madeline. I'm most definitely going to keep it."

McGonagall got two plates and went back to the medical wing. When she walked in, she saw Madeline still asleep. She looked at the clock. '9:00 A.M'. McGonagall walked over and set the plates down. She sat next to Madeline and shook her shoulder gently.

Madeline's eyes slowly opened. She looked wonderful. "Hi," she whispered. "Sorry about freaking out last night. And hitting you."

"It's okay. You were scared, and rightfully so. You heard the killing curse... in a dream," McGonagall explained.

She handed Madeline her plate. But Madeline looked confused. "I don't understand. I didn't do anything."

"What?" McGonagall laughed.

"I've always been taught you don't get anything you didn't earn. I didn't do anything so I shouldn't get anything."

"We don't have such a tradition here." Madeline still looked uncertain. McGonagall leaned forward, placed a hand on Madeline's, and worked with what she had. "You did do something. You didn't die upon hearing a curse," she explained.

Madeline tilted her head to the side, contemplating. "It's not something that we normally do, but... I suppose it fits."

McGonagall smiled when Madeline began to eat. It was hesitant, but food was put into her stomach. McGonagall began to eat hers also. She brought out two goblets from the bedside table's cabinet. "What would you like?" she asked, placing the cups on the bedside table. Again, Madeline was confused. "...To drink."

Madeline gave her a 'duh' look. "How...? Their empty." McGonagall brought out her wand and Madeline facepalmed. "Sorry. Still not used to it." Her accent was becoming more and more pronounced.

"It's alright. It is a lot to take in. I know."

"Can you make sweet tea?"

McGonagall nodded and tapped the rim with her wand. It was instantly filled up. Madeline's eyes grew wide and she leaned forward. McGonagall smiled at her, then she realized she had smiled more in the past few days then she had all summer! McGonagall took hers and motioned for Madeline to do the same. She obeyed. They 'clincked' together and Madeline laughed. "I want to take you somewhere today," McGonagall mentioned. Madeline stared at her intently as she had when Minerva was explaining witches and wizards. It showed she had the girl's full attention. "There's a place where you can get your wand, new clothes -which you badly need- and your school books. If you want to go here, that is." McGonagall wondered why she was so nervous.

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