The Wand Chooses The Witch

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Madeline appeared in Diagon Alley just outside Gringotts followed by McGonagall. The second she walked out of the fireplace, McGonagall walked towards Madeline. "Are you okay?" She wanted to make sure the pain hadn't come back sooner then expected.

"Yes, fine. You know, that looked so natural. The way you walked out immediately," Madeline said, accent showing still. She was fine and McGonagall knew it.

They walked in Gringotts; no one even looked up and it was empty except for the goblins. Madeline opened the necklace. Luckily, it didn't make sound and wasn't bright. She reached in the sphere and pulled out the silver key. It had an elegant 'M' on the handle. Madeline closed the necklace and the sphere vanished. She stayed close to McGonagall as they walked to the front desk.

McGonagall cleared her throat and patiently waited. The old goblin slowly looked up. The professor leave forward and said, "Oskar Milner's vault."

The goblin held out his hand and McGonagall looked at Madeline. She gave McGonagall the key who gave the goblin the key. He inspected it and led them to the vault.

"Lamp, please. Key, please. Lamp, please," the goblin requested every now and again.

The door was opened and there was gold and silver and bronze. Madeline got wide-eyed. McGonagall looked at her. "This is yours," she said. "From your father." She pushed Madeline in, and got glared at. McGonagall turned around as not to watch what the girl grabbed. Madeline grabbed a couple gold coins, a few silver, and and a bit of bronze. She pulled out her baggie and put them in it. She walked around wondering what the something was that he had left for her. Then Madeline saw it. She walked over and gently put it in her backpack.

Madeline walked out. "Done already? I don't see a dent in there," McGonagall teased. Madeline slightly smiled and nodded. The goblin locked the door back and handed the key back to Madeline. ____________________________________________________________________

Madeline's Pov.

We left Gringotts, and not a moment too soon. That place was starting to creep me out. Though at the door, where no one looked up, I put the key back in the sphere; I never took the necklace off anyway. I followed professor McGonagall all over.

First we went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and got me the three black work robes, then went to another place and got me some much needed clothes. After there, it was Flourish and Blott's bookstore and got the school required books. McGonagall asked me which animal I wanted: a cat, a toad, or an owl.

"I think I'll stick with an owl. Don't get me wrong. I love cats, but I have bad memories with them," I said.

She smiled at me. Then, led me to Eeylops Owl Emporium. I got a beautiful light brown owl with dark brown spots on its wings and back. It had a black beak; she wasn't mean. She, as I recently found out, loved to be pet up the bridge if her beak. I also got owl food, of course, and the necessities: owl brush, cleaning things, ect, ect, ect. McGonagall led me to the next and, hopefully final, shop. Ollivander's Wand Shop. A small amount of pain began to grow in my chest. We went up to the store, but McGonagall stopped me at the entrance. ____________________________________________________________________

Minerva's Pov.

"He can be a little... different. Don't take a wand unless he hands it to you. If he asks a question, he's directing it to me. Don't worry. He's excellent at his job," I reeled off. She silently nodded.

We walked in and saw a man, pale eyes shining like moons through the gloom of the shop. "Ah, Minerva. What can I do for you?" he asked.

"Mr. Garrick Ollivander. Madeline, here, needs a wand. She's similar to Mr. Potter: raised in the muggle world, didn't know a thing about wizardry," I replied, hoping he would see the similarities between us.

He did. "Why do you look familiar?" he wondered of her. Ollivander looked at me and I glanced at her to give him a hint. He understood. "When?"

"10-12. No knowledge of it," I said, meaning Madeline had no knowledge of who I was too her.

"Ah. I see. Hmm." Garrick turned his attention to Madeline. "How about...?" He went off into his wands, and came back. He laid three wands' boxes on his desk only to snatch two of them up. He put them back and handed Madeline the wand out the box he had left out. She slowly took it from his grasp. "Well? FLICK it."

Madeline looked startled, but obeyed. I had backed up just in case. She flicked the wand and a vase behind Garrick broke. She put it back on his desk.

He walked off once more and came back with two more boxes. They both turned out to be duds. But Ollivander was stubborn and was not about to give up. When he was in the back, I heard him. "It couldn't... Well if she's like Mr. Potter?" I heard him reason with himself. He came out with one more.

"I'd rather not break anything else," she told him.

"Just give it a try, please. You must remember, the wand chooses the witch. This is a Veela hair wand core and Willow for the wand wood."

I gasped and took a step forward to stop her, but Ollivander shot me a look that stopped me on my tracks and I stepped back.

He handed it to her, and she, again, slowly took if from his grasp. It was dark brown, had a gold spiral at the handle, and was about 5 ½ inches long. Madeline's hairclip came out and her hair started floating around her as if she were underwater; the clip was floating too. It was hers. If she got hurt by it, I would gladly go to Azkaban for the murder of Garrick Ollivander.

"Thank you." She paid and we left. ____________________________________________________________________

What magical item did Oskar leave Madeline? Who do you think Madeline should go out with? Please comment. I'm starting to think I'm writing to myself.



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