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No One's Pov.

McGonagall woke up to Madeline still on her chest. She remembered the day before and knew Madeline was going to kill her. McGonagall set Madeline on the pillow and got up. Just like last time, she stirred but did not wake. McGonagall Transfigured into her green robe and remembered it was Sunday. No classes.

She went to the door and added an extra layer of the locking spell. She went and heard about Ginny. How she was alive thanks to Potter and that she had been looking for Madeline. McGonagall went back in the direction her quarters and saw Madeline herself come out of the door. She looked as if she had been stressed.

McGonagall rushed to her. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Madeline nodded. "Just so you know, I hate the feeling of being trapped. It scares me to death. Almost literally. I was prepared to break your door, I was panicking so much."

"Why didn't you use the unlocking spell?"

"I did in the end. At first, I couldn't. I was too terrified, I couldn't focus on anything."

"Oh. I'm sorry." She tried putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but Madeline smacked it away with the back of her hand. Shocker. (Will you people never learn the definition of SARCASM?)

"I'm still mad at you," she said recovering her balance. She looked at the floor.

"Ginny's alive and well."

Madeline's head shot up. "Where is she?" Madeline demanded.

"You know, you could ask politely." Madeline walked past her, figuring she was getting nowhere. McGonagall walked after her. "Maddie, why are you so mad at me. [Hey, that rhymed.] Ginny is well. You did -and still do- need rest. Everything is fine."

Madeline stopped on the middle of the corridor. She didn't face McGonagall. "First off: I didn't and still don't need any rest; I am perfectly fine. Second off: you spelled me to do something I was set against. I wanted -no, I needed- to help my best friend. To not feel..." her eyes searched the floor for the correct word. "useless. But you stopped me. Not even the Weasley twins would sink that low." Madeline walked ahead leaving McGonagall to think.

She found Ginny in in common room. Madeline walked over to her and pulled her into a bear hug. After a moment of shock, Ginny hugged back.

They talked until it was time for breakfast. They went and talked there too.

Everything happened so fast, next thing she knew, it was 2:47 p.m. Madeline stood up. "I have to go. I said I would meet Neville. He's waiting for me outside the Fat Lady portrait. Bye," she said, hugging Ginny one last time.

She walked to the portrait and didn't see Neville. That gave her a few minutes to get changed. "Wattlebird." She walked in, threw off her robe and the clothes she wore under it, and slipped into a loose dress that was yellow and had black stripes on it.

She went outside the portrait and saw Neville. He was wearing a dark green shirt, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes.

He smiled and held out his arm. Madeline jokingly looped her arms in his.

They had a great time at the Weasley twins' shop. They went back to the portrait.

They separated at the Fat Lady portrait. Neville went in the boys part and Madeline went in the girl part. She walked in her room and saw the cat. "McGonagall," she acknowledged. She went into the bathroom and changed back into her robe. She walked back out and still saw McGonagall. Madeline ignored her, grabbed her book, and walked out. She went to the lake to read. As she sat down, she checked her watch. '5:59.' She brought out her glasses and read. Madeline was through her 3rd chapter when she heard footsteps. She slightly looked to the side, not moving her head, and saw the bottom of a green robe. "You just can't take a ditch, can you?"

McGonagall didn't move. "We need to talk," she demanded.

Madeline slammed her book shut. She stood. "Well I'm having a weird sense of deja vu. The last time I heard those words, I ended up unwillingly unconscious," she spat.

Madeline tried to walk past McGonagall. McGonagall grabbed her wrist; it was an iron grip, but not the right kind. Not the type McGonagall used.

"Who are you?" Madeline asked.

The fake McGonagall uttered a spell.

"That is a forbidden-"

Madeline slumped to the ground. The fake McGonagall looked around with a smile. She grabbed Madeline's shoulder and they were Apparated away.



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