Sorting And Snape's Office

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No One's Pov.

The train arrived and Madeline was so excited. Don't get her wrong, she loved staying with McGonagall, but she wanted to hang out with some kids her own age. The first years were walking up the stairs and Madeline slipped in beside a red headed girl.

"Hi. I'm Ginny Weasley." She held out her hand.

"Madeline Macani." She took Ginny's hand and shook it.

They lined up. McGonagall explained how it was going to work and called the first name....

After quite a few names, they got to the M's. "Madeline Macani."

Madeline walked up and sat on the chair. McGonagall set the hat on her head. "Hmm. Well you are difficult. Let's see. Bravery covered up shyness. It can be uncovered. Sometimes acts before thinking, but mostly thinks before. Able to brace yourself, aren't you? Yes. You've got a strong will. Hmmmm. GRYFFINDOR!!!"

McGonagall smiled and lifted the hat off the practically dancing Madeline. She went to the table and watched the rest of the ceremony. There was a Slytherin named Theodore Nott. A Ravenclaw named Padma Patil. A Hufflepuff named Zacharias Smith. And Ginny got Gryffindor. Madeline and Ginny sat together, giggling and taking about some experiences they had had.

Just before the feast ended, McGonagall motioned for Madeline to come out for a moment. "Congratulations. Madeline, I was wondering what you thought about these two boys who used a magic car to get here because they missed the train, but they were seen." By non-wizards she meant. Madeline tilted her head to the side. "I want to know what you think I should do."

"Why are you asking me?"

"I just want to know your opinion. Should I expel then or not. Their loyal students who saved Hogwarts last year."

"Sounds to me like you've already decided not to expel them."

Madeline smiled. The feast ended and McGonagall left Madeline to go to her house.

"What was that ask about?" a second year girl Madeline had just met, Hermione, asked.

"Nothing to worry about."

"Oh look another half-blood or mud-blood polluting the school," a platinum blonde guy asked.

"What's a half-blood or mud-blood?" Madeline asked Hermione.

"A mud-blood is a muggle-born. It's when you have two muggle parents. A half-blood is when you either have two half blood parents, or one muggle parent."

"What are muggles?"

"Non-wizards. Mortals."

"I don't get it. Both of my biological parents are -what's the word- pure-bloods," Madeline said, genuinely confused.

Hermione got wide-eyed. "You're a pure-blood?" she asked, louder than she intended. Madeline nodded and they began to walk to the Gryffindor house.

The blonde kid pushed his way through the crowd, but wasn't fast enough. He only saw the girls black hair flowing after her. "I'm Draco Malfoy," he said.

That got the girl to turn around. She looked him over. "Madeline Macani." She turned around and continued to walk with Hermione.

"I'm a muggle-born, and you're a pure-blood. So if you don't want to be around me, I understand," Hermione said.

"I take it there aren't a whole lot of muggle-borns?" Madeline asked. Hermione shook her head. "So it just makes you special. Unique. It makes me want to hang around you more."

Hermione leaned her head on Madeline's shoulder. "If only everyone saw it like you." ____________________________________________________________________

Minerva's Pov.

I watched Madeline acknowledge Malfoy and tell him her name before going to Snape's office.

Dumbledore and I walked to the office and heard part of the yelling. "I assure you that were you in Slytherin, and you fate rested with me... the both of you would be on the train home tonight! As it is-"

Dumbledore spoke up. "They are not."

"Professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall," Mr. Potter acknowledged.

Snape stood up straight. He pointed to the boys. "Headmaster... these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such-"

We both already knew. "I am well aware of our bylaws, Severus... having written quite a few of them myself. However, as the head of Gryffindor house... it is professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action," Dumbledore stated.

The boys looked sad. "We'll go and get our stuff, then," Ron said.

I kept in mind what Madeline had said, and partly hoping these boys might break her out of her shy shell. Plus, I genuinely cared for the boys. "What are you taking about Mr. Weasley?" I asked, messing with them.

"You're going to expel us, aren't you?"

"Not today, Mr. Weasley..." the boys asked at each other "...but I must impress on both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to you're families tonight, and will both receive detention." They had glum looks on their faces, but understood. They looked to Snape and I swear they were both thinking, 'ha, ha. It's not up to you.' I could see the hate in Snape's eyes too.


I told Ronald Weasley to go to his house and that he best get there before Mr. Potter and myself. We walked and talked.

"Professor McGonagall, what is it?" Harry asked.

"Mr. Potter, my daughter has recently come to this school. She does not know she is my daughter and is very similar to you: she was raised in the muggle world. I was hoping you could get her to not be so shy and keep her out of trouble. But still not tell her who she is. Her name is Madeline Macani."

"Sure, Professor. I would be happy to." We reached the Fat Lady portrait. "Wattlebird," Harry said and the door opened. I assume that's this year's password.


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