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Minerva's Pov.

During the class I had Madeline in, I hoped I could talk to her. But she wasn't in her class. I didn't see her at lunch or dinner either.

"Have any of you noticed Madeline's not anywhere?" I asked.

The some other professors agreed saying that she hasn't attended their classes. Thinking, maybe she was sick.

"She was perfectly fine in potions today," Snape announced. We all stared at him. Madeline was... in potions class. She missed Transfiguration, charms, History of Wizardry, Herbology, and even Defense Against the Dark Arts(D.A.D.A) and flying.

"I think I know why she has missed... most of our classes. She found out who I am to her," I said sadly. "After a little while of giving her time to think, I went to the Gryffindor common room, but the other Gryffindors said they hadn't seen her."

"Well it's your fault. You kept it from her. Did you expect butterflies and rainbows?" Snape arose and walked off.

I looked down and Poppy grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked at her with a forced smile.

"She's probably just still thinking. Or is trying to figure out if it's a good or bad thing that she's your daughter. Madeline is just confused and conflicted," Poppy said.


No One's Pov.

Madeline woke up and fell asleep multiple times, and she was still outside. She was glad no one found her. But that wouldn't last long. Harry and Ron were walking in her direction. She wasn't ready to be found. She ran to the other side of the lake. After a few more hours, Madeline got up.

She went in the direction of the school. She ran into Neville. He noticed she was upset.

"Are you alright?" Neville asked. Madeline nodded and tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her arm. "What's wrong?" He was being very gentle and sweet.

Madeline was so tempted to start crying. But that was a sign of weakness and she would not have it. Madeline stood up straight and put her chin up. "I am fine. Thank you for your consideration." She forced a smile.

Neville didn't seem all that convinced, but when a Gryffindor makes up their mind, there's no changing it. He knew from experience; he tried to stop the trio from going after the sorcerer's stone and got petrified foot his efforts. He thought maybe he could get it out of her another time. "Alright. Did you do McGonagall's homework?"

That stabbed at Madeline's heart, but she didn't show it. "Indeed I did." She looked at her watch casually. '7:42.' She looked up and saw Snape walking to his office. "So. I'm still a bit new- being a first year and all. Since you're a second year, do you know of anywhere we can just have... fun?"

Neville smiled. "Yeah. Maybe I could take you there this Sunday? It'll be a surprise."

Madeline nodded and looked up at a stray window. She saw McGonagall and McGonagall saw her. Madeline got wide-eyed. Then, McGonagall wasn't at the window and the curtains were swaying. "Um... actually sounds great. Meet me at the Fat lady portrait at 3 p.m. on Sunday. I've got to go... bye." Neville waved bye after Madeline walked off. Madeline didn't see it, but Neville broke into a happy dance.

Madeline was about to walk past the front doors when a familiar beautiful cat turned into McGonagall. "We need to talk," the older woman said.

Madeline walked backwards as she said, "I cannot. I have to complete some homework." She turned around and walked... anywhere but there.

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