Chapter Nineteen

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Her first day back at school had gone over quite smoothly, Caroline considered.

Just the fact that she had been able to leave the house had put Caroline into a brilliant mood this morning. Then there was the fact that Kol had looked absolutely ridiculous when she had entered the kitchen in morning.

He had obviously checked out the TV for he was wearing almost the exact same outfit Will Smith had worn in the intro of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Caroline hadn't been able to contain her laughter at that sight, earning a confused glare from Kol and a look of surprise from Elijah.

"What are you laughing at?" Kol asked her.

Caroline tried to calm her laughter enough to answer him but it took her a good minute to do so.

"It's just.. You really don't want to go to school looking like this." Caroline told him.

"Why not? This Will guy sure seemed to be cool. Bet the ladies will drool over me looking like this!" Kol said proudly.

"No, they will laugh at you." Caroline told him sternly.

"Why would they do something like that?" Kol inquired, getting angry.

"Well, first: The Fresh Prince was produced over ten years ago. So you basically look like you just escaped the 90's. Second: You are not Will Smith." Caroline shrugged.

"Nice shorts." Josh stated as he walked in.

"Thank god you're here, Josh!" Caroline exclaimed. "This is how guys dress now!" Caroline told Kol pointing at Josh.

Kol had changed his clothes before leaving but Caroline couldn't help but giggle at the original every time she looked at him throughout the day.

Rebekah on the other hand had managed way better. She had looked absolutely stunning by the time they left the mansion.

Caroline had reconnected with her friends and actually enjoyed every single lesson. All in all, the day could've been worse. The originals had behaved almost like every other teenager attending school. No one was compelled, threatened or killed. And for that Caroline was glad.

Bonnie had actually gotten the worst of the originals. Kol had hit on her every chance he got while Rebekah had commented each advance with telling her brother that he could do better than Bonnie.

Caroline hadn't thought about the possibility of seeing Tyler and was more than relieved to find that he hadn't even gone back to school after marching in Klaus' mansion that one day.

All in all, school was a success. Now Caroline lay in the middle of the bed in her room, phone clutched in her hand.

She had sent a text to Bonnie a few minutes before, asking for her help with figuring out why she was the only one to see, hear and touch Henrik Mikaelson. Caroline hoped that Bonnie would keep her promise of secrecy. She didn't know what Klaus would do if he found out Caroline had told anyone.

Caroline's phone vibrated, sending a spark of nervousness through her entire body.

From Bonnie:

That sound pretty serious, Care. I still don't know what exactly happened the night we tried to kill Klaus. I'll look through my grimmoires, okay? Maybe Henrik is the missing link I needed to figure everything out!

Make sure not to tell the originals of my involvement. I don't want to know how they'd react. I'll text you as soon as I find anything! Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

Are you really okay, though? I know you told us everything's fine but I just feel that being surrounded by originals would drive me absolutely nuts!

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