Chapter Twenty

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The following days were pretty tense. Klaus kept his promise of keeping Caroline close to him. He never left her out of her sight.

Even at school. He drove them to Mystic High only to linger around at school and wait until they climbed back into his car.

Caroline had not seen Esther again. Klaus had made sure of that. And for some reason unbeknownst to her, Henrik had completely disappeared.

She had tried calling out to him. But it was futile. The little Mikaelson never showed up.

Klaus had told her that Ester had been planning a ball which was to be held tonight. All of Mystic Falls' important people were invited. Plus her friends.

Caroline remembered the text Elena had sent her when she had gotten her invitation. For now, they planned to simply go along with what Esther had planned.

"I want you to wear this tonight." Klaus held a square box in his hands and Caroline raised a brow.

"Is this you asking me to your mother's ball?" Caroline asked.

"Unfortunately, we have to attend. And where could you be safer than in my arms?" Klaus winked.

Caroline rolled her eyes and grabbed the box only to disappear into the bathroom. The only place Klaus didn't follow her.

Sharing his room wasn't as weird as Caroline had imagined it. His bed was big enough to fit them both.

Caroline couldn't remember how many times she thought about closing the distance between them and snuggle close to him. But she had refrained from these thought so far, figuring that Klaus wasn't much of a cuddler.

Nonetheless, the tension between them was unmistakably rising. Being so close to him seriously messed with Caroline's mind.

She couldn't wait to attend the ball, hoping Klaus would ask her to dance. This would give her the excuse to finally touch him.

When Caroline was done fixing her make-up and hair, she finally opened the box Klaus had given her and gasped at the beautiful dress inside. It looked like it belonged in a fairytale.

Caroline wasted no time in trying it on and examining herself in the mirror. It fit perfectly. Which was both cute and creepy. Caroline ignored the creepy part and admired how the blue dress brought out her eyes. She looked like a princess, she was sure.

Smiling she put on the gloves that were in the box with the dress and glanced in the mirror one last time.

Caroline saw Klaus' jaw drop slightly when she re-entered Klaus' room.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"You, Caroline, look absolutely ravishing." Klaus answered, letting his eyes wander across her body.

"You think?" Caroline smiled, feeling her face heat under his intense stare.

Klaus looked her in the eyes and took her hand in his and kissed it softly. His eyes never left hers and Caroline inwardly cursed the gloves she was wearing.

"You're beautiful, love." Klaus said and gave her his best dimpled smile.

The mansion's ballroom was already packed with people when Klaus and Caroline entered.

Caroline didn't remember ever entering this room before and wondered how she had missed a room this big.

She looked around and found Elena accompanied with both Salvatores. Looks like Elena will have one hell of an evening, she thought.

Caroline's eyes nearly plopped out of their sockets however when she saw Bonnie next to Kol.

Klaus suddenly pulled two champagne filled flutes out of nowhere and offer one to her.

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