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I burst out laughing, but when no one else did, I stopped and looked around. Everyone looked completely serious. I pointed to the screen and said, "You guys ARE joking, right? I mean, you didn't take it seriously when I said that it was based on a true story? Right?"

Sam scratched the back of his neck, Dean turned his head and whistled, Bobby just walked out of the room, shortly followed by Leo and Cas.

I turned and looked at the two left in the room. "Soooo, I take that as a yes?"

Sam nodded and said, "As much as I hate to admit it, yes. We think it's real. But it's only because there's some sorta solid proof about it. I mean, there have been crimes happening this year with the same M.O. and around 23 or 22 years ago, there were similiar crimes. Like this thing needs to regenerate. So we think there might be some lore on this Creeper thing, but all I've come up with is that it must not acutally be called The Creeper..."

I snorted and grabbed Sam's laptop, typing in some words, and in a matter of seconds (A/N all that follows is COM-PLETE bull.) I came up with an article. I smirked at Sam and showed him the info:

Frealnik -

A gray skinned demon that was once human. It searched for immortality and found that the formula only provided limited immortality, wear and tear on the parts so to speak. When there was too much, mileage for lack of another word, on these parts, then they would need to be replaced. The thing that these demons, yes plural, did not know was that they would be asleep, almost in a hibernation state, until these parts needed the said replacing. So now, everytime they come alive, they seek vengeance along with the search for thier new parts.

Written By: Linda Griolie

End Article.

I watched as Sam read it and when he finshed he made a "humph" noise. I laughed. Dean smirked and said, "So I guess Kas is better than Mr. Grumpy Pants over there."

I laughed again, but when Sam glared I stifled it with a manly cough.

I beckoned for Sam to hand me the laptop, whichhe dumped on my lap and then left the room. Followed by Dean, who, before he left, smiled and said, "Tell us when you're done with that."

I smiled and nodded, then turned on some music as I conitinued my fruitless search for more information and lore on this thing.

Thankfully, laughing and saying the parts I knew by heart of this thing kept me from throwing the laptop at the wall in frustration:

Charlie The Unicorn - SecretAgentBob

Charlie The Unicorn Episode 1 (Yes, I'm using more of these later on... Don't hit me. Bitch.)

Hey, Charlie Hey Charlie wake up

Yeah Charlie, You silly sleepy head wake up!

Oh god you guys. This better be pretty freakin important. Is the meadow on fire?

No Charlie, We found a map to Candy Mountain. Candy Mountain Charlie!

yeah Charlie were going to Candy Mountain come with us Charlie.

Yeah Charlie! It'll Be an adventure! were going on an adventure Charlie

Yeah, Candy Mountain right Im just gunna you know go back to sleep now.

NOOOOOOOOOOO!! Charlie!!! you have to come with us to Candy Mountain

Yeah Charlie, Candy Mountain its a land of sweets and joy! and joyness!

Please stop bouncing on me!

Candy Mountain Charlie!!

Yeah Candy Mountain

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