Lucky Duck, (Love the way you lie)

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Yes, the song is back in this one. AND Cas is finall here! :) Touldja he'd come eventually! Oh, and I totally love this vid and I'm really sick so you're lucky you're even getting this :L


Then, I got doused in blood, seeing organs flew. I shut my eyes on instinct and replayed th explosion of the invisible hell hound. "Eww." I said, whiping my eyelids befoe opening them. I looked down at my body, holding my arms away from it. I danced around a little bit to get some of the blood I was doused in, off.

I looked over to see what had happened. There I saw a gorgeous, sky-blue eyed wonder. I peered at him suspiciously. He was on the other side of the room in a tight huddle formation with the other boys.

"Heeeellllo?!?!" I said waving my arms up and down, "I'm alive people!"

All of them looked up at me and the boys started laughing, seeing my appearence. They were spotless. I scowled.

Then they sobered up and Dean pointed to the guy in the trenchcoat, "He's Cas and he's an angel." I looked over at him and sighed. Really? "Whatever, I'll be in the car...." I said and walked out of the house and into the backseat of the car.

The guys came out later and climbed into the car. I was in the middle in the back. Sam was on my right and Cas on my left.

"Hi." I said softly to Cas. I wanted to be his friend like the others were. They had mentioned him as little as posible in thier life stories, and they never said he was an angel. I was gonna have a talk with Dean later... But for now...

"Weeeeeeell, you probably already know I'm Kas, you bein' an angel and all."

He nodded.

"Okaaaaay." I said as a comfortable silence filled the car. I snuggled into the seat behind me that smelled like the worn leather it was made of and gravel. I smiled and turned onto my side, my cheek against the seat where my back should be. I was asleep in moments.

When I woke up I was leaning on somethig warm. I yawned and opened my eyes. I was on a bed, that much I knew, and I was leaning on something/one warm. I opened my eyes slowly, afraid to what I would see. When they were open I saw a pair of bright blue eyes close enough I could see nothing else but them. I screamed and squiggled backwars, falling off the bed.

I landed on my butt, but not before slamming my head into the ground. I groaned and blinked lazily. I stood up to see Cas laying on the bed, on his side with his elbow under his head. He blinked at me, locked in a silent staring contest. I blinked back. Then I turned and looked around.

There was another bed in this room and I was guessing two of the other boys had to get another room. I turned back to look at Cas and asked, "Do you know what time it is?" He eyed the clock on the nightstand meaningfully. I took a peek at it 2A.M. Okay then...

"Where are the guys?" He looked at me like I was a simpleton, "They purchased different rooms. We are sharing this one."

I nodded, but then a question ran through my mind, "Why were we on the same bed then?"

He looked at me like I was an expirement and slowly said, "I find you interesting. You speak while you sleep. I was curious so I decided to observe you from a closer distance."

I nodded and then slowly went to lay down on the other bed. I was on my back and rested both of my folded hands on my stomach, tired but unable to sleep.

I looked over at Cas, "Do you sleep?"

He nodded, "An angel in a vessel has all human needs, but still maintains their angel beings personalities." I nodded, interested.

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