No Song

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We pulled into a town in Iowa. I gasped, watching the destroyed scenery pass by in a blur.

The houses were caved in and burnt into embers and ash, the trees were knocked over with deep gouges, and the road was cracked and sticking up in certain places.

"Dean? What the hell is going on?" I asked, slightly scared and more than a little worried.

He shrugged and said, "I got no idea in hell, but I'm gonna find out."

He pulled the car over suddenly to a house that looked perfectly intact, not a scratch on the yellow-with-white-trim paint. As we were walking out of the car I mumbled, "Hell is right..."

We walked into the door, pausing slightly to knock on the frame. No answer.

We walked on in and I called, "Helllooooo? Anyone home??!?!?"

No answer.

I turned to look to the boy's and they shrugged. I beckoned them forward with my hand and started up a flight of stairs. The house was small and at the top of the stairs there was only one door.

One. Seriously. Fucked. Up. Door.


:D I made a funny!

Not the time!

The door was made of rough, splintery wood and had a big inverted pentagram on it. In case you didn't know those mean devil worship, you know cults and stuff.

It looked like it was painted from blood. I cringed slightly as I touched it and felt it was still wet and a bit warm. I turned around to the boys and nodded to confirm thier suspicions then added, "This is recent, it's still warm and it's not dry."

The boys looked at each other and then Sam stepped in front of me, "I'll go first."

I glared at him, but shrugged and stepped back.

Sam kicked the door open. I would've giggled if this wasn't involve with death. He had a gun loaded with rock salt in front of him and I had the colt. Dean and Liam both had some kind of weapon, but I wasn't paying attention. I was moreover watching the dead body be bitten into and disappear into thin air.

"Holy Shit!" I said. I knew what it was from Dean's description, growling, eating people, can't see it.

It was a hell hound.

Which only ment one thing,

The gate to Hell was opened.



I tried something new for this one and it was hard, no song. I had no place for a song, but I still put one on the side. I'm sorry I uploaded late and it's shit. Sorry.

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