More Than A Feeling (Don't get too happy, it's only a song)

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I was in the bathroom at the boy's place. I was going to let the fact that there were pictures of people that weren't them decorating the place slide.

Sam had shown me the way to the bathroom and handed me some of his clothes. He tried to keep his eyes of my body as much as possible and, even though they did timidly roam my figure once or twice, he was sweet enough to be embarrased about it.

When we got to the bathroom, I gave him the best smile I could manage. I was still scared to be going into the bathroom alone. I stepped into the room and gulped. I switched the light on as fast as possible.

I heard Sam start to walk away and I gathered some courage, stuck my head out the door, and quietly asked, "Do you... umm... maybe think, you could... perhaps.... stay outside the door, please?"

Sam turned to look at me, and he took in my appearnce. My eyes were wide with fright and I swore I was shaking a bit. Sam gave me a heart-melting, breath-taking smile. He nodded and walked back.

"I'll be right out, okay? Just wait here please?" I said quickly. Sam nodded and grinned again. I gulped again and stuck my head back in the bathroom shutting the door. I took a deep breath, and decided not to lock it like I usually did.

I saw Sam had given me one of his T's and some of his gray sweats. The shirt had Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas on it. I grinned, I love Tim Burton and all his movies. Corlaine, The Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas.

I slipped on the clothes as fast as possible, then wrapped the towel around my wet hair and shook it. It was somewhat dry by the time I stopped. I slung the towel over my arm and walked out.

Thankfully Sam was still there, like he said, well nodded, he would be. I grinned at him and he slowly looked up from the ground to see me. He looked a little stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered. "Umm... I think they're waiting for us..."

I nodded and we started walking towards the living room. Sam walked slowly, but I still had to walk rather fast to keep up with his long legs. If he walked any faster I would be panting soon. The house was large, bigger than a normal one, but not quite as big as my mansion.

We walked into the living room together and both the boys sprung up from the couch. They both had glared aimed at Sam. I cleared my throat and they looked consideably farther down to look at my face. Dean said something first.

"There you are! We were begining to think you fell in the toilet and Sammy-Boy had to stay and pull you out!"

I scoffed and said, "I'm not THAT tiny!"

Liam laughed, but it sounded a little off. I could tell they both wanted to know why Sam didn't come back so I sighed and said, "I didn't want to be in the bathroom alone..." They both glared at Sam, fists and jaws clenched. Now Sam cut in, "It's not like that!! I waited outside the door for her, she was scared and didn't want to be alone. I mean, would you?"

They're aggresive stances relzed slightly, bu they still glared at Sam. I didn't understand why, but I guess they must be mad at him for something he did while I was still passed out.

I settled down on the couch, the boys sort of flocking around me. Liam and Dean sat on either side of me, while Sam sat on the floor, in the middle area so he was below me. I curled into a ball and yawned. I hadn't realized it before, but I was tired. Like, I'll sleep on a cement floor and not care tired. I snuggled my head in between my arms and closed my eyes.

I heard all the boys chuckle and I knew I would be safe here. But still, as I replayed what happened in my head, there was only one thing that popped into my head. Zombie.

As I thought about this, I felt my pulse race, my heart-beat speed up. I tried to calm myself down. I sung a song by one of my bands in my head. Sometimes... the weirdest things just manage to pop into my head...

More Than A Feeling - Boston

I looked out this morning and the sun was gone

Turned on some music to start my day

I lost myself in a familiar song

I closed my eyes and I slipped away

It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling)

When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)

I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)

'till I see Marianne walk away

I see my Marianne walkin' away

So many people have come and gone

Their faces fade as the years go by

Yet I still recall as I wander on

as clear as the sun in the summer sky

It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling)

When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)

I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)

'till I see Marianne walk away

I see my Marianne walkin' away

When I'm tired and thinking cold

I hide in my music, forget the day

and dream of a girl I used to know

I closed my eyes and she slipped away

She slipped away

It's more than a feeling (more than a feeling)

When I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)

I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)

'till I see Marianne walk away

I believe, some where in the midst of me humming this, I fell asleep.



'Holy Shit' I thought, 'She knows Boston! And she likes pie! And she has my car! Not really, but... She saw a zombie! And-and she's gorgeous! And she can resist me... Not a particularly good thing... but... I tell you.... Imma marry this girl!!'


Okay, now all you need is a Sammy P.O.V. Yes, there was a little Sammy action in this one. No, not literally, but, she wanted him to stay right? Must mean something... I guess... Hey, just 'caz I write it doesn't necassarily mean I know what's happening... Did that make any sense? Like, at all?

Okay, let me get this straight...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ