Rock Of Aged

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Sam P.O.V.

We were still bound to be behind Kas by about an hour, even though we were going twice the legal speed limit. It was early morning and we had been driving all night. We were all tired, but refused to sleep. None of us could while worrying about Kas this much.

I think we were in Idaho, home of the potatoes, when we saw some tire tracks.

They were long and identical to ours, they seemed to go on for a good mile. "SPEED UP!!!" I screamed at our driver, Dean. He didn't say anything sarcastic or snarky back, just sped up. That;s how you know Dean's worried.

Liam was on the edge of the seat in the back, itching to be in my seat. I would've felt a ping of satisfaction if we weren't in this situation. I turned my head to the side, looking in the woods. Then I saw it. Her Impala. "SHIT, DEAN! PULL OVER!" I yelled, pointing to the car on its side.

We pulled over so fast we were on one wheel. We all jumped out of the car. The top of the car rested against the trees, and the wheels were still spinning. It hadn't happened so long ago, it was recent. Maybe 15 minutes ago.

I ran over to the car. The way it was rolled, the passenger side was against the ground. I prayed to God she wore her seatbelt. But, knowing God, she probably didn't. I mean, really?

He takes Mom, Dad, Dean goes to freaking HELL for a while, he takes my SOUL, and then... after eveything I've done for him, for the world, he's gonna do this to Kas? I oughta kick his ass. I could ya know. If I wanted I could have a demon army, in about 4 seconds flat.

I growled as I thougth about Kas. I pulled myself up on to of the car door that was on top. I slid over and saw the glass was already gone. I peered in and saw Kas, who had NOT put her seatbelt on. Fuck.

I looked over at Liam and Dean behind me and they looked worried. Good, they should be. "CALL 911!" I shouted. I jumped off of the car and walked over to the trunk of the car. It wasn't against a tree or anything, and I pushed. "DEAN!" I yelled, "COME HELP!!!" Dean ran over and started pushing. Soon it was rocking back and forth, and then, finally, we managed to push it right side up. The entire hood of the car was smooshed and the passenger side door was caved in with all the glass on the car broken, but it was repairable. Kas would be glad to here that.


I flung open the driver door. She strewn across both the passenger and the driver seat, blood coming from what looked like everywhere. Her clothes had spots of it everywhere and her hair looked sticky. The other fucking driver had the nerve to leave. I growled, he was gonna get what was coming to him. I reached into the car and grabbed her out. She groaned.

I sighed in relief. She was alive. She sat up in my arms and looked at me. Then her face went from pain to anger. "Put me down, now!" She said angrily. I sighed and sat her down on the grass. But she had to b stubborn and get up. I pulled her back down and she ended up on my lap. I had to keep her there. She was stuggling and loosing more blood because of it.

"SAM! L-leeeh mmm-ee goooooo!" She tried to yell, but it came out slurred and woozy. Then she fainted in my arms.

"FUCK! Dean, when will the ambulance be-" I stopped talking as the ambulance arrived. I ran over to them, almost throwing Kas into one of the paramedics arms. I groaned, there were only guys.

I hopped into the ambulance with them before they closed the door, leavig Dean and Liam out there yelling.

Kas was out on a stretcher and the guys started tearing her clothes off. I felt a growl struggle to rip its way up my throat. i contained it though, but just barely. I mean, they were trying to help Kas. They hooked her up to a heart moniter and started treating her injuries.

Okay, let me get this straight...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum